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Slowly, I raised my head from the headrest to the feeling of Christian's fingers softly rubbing over my knuckles. "A penny for your thoughts love? Where did you go?" He brought the back of my hand to his lips and placed a chaste kiss on it.

"Sorry" I smiled. I was drowning in my thoughts again. This being one of the few times it was actually about something pleasant. "Did you ask me something?"

"Just called you a couple of times. Thought you were sleeping" He said while turning a corner.

"No I wasn't"

"Okay, you're okay though?"

"I was thinking about you actually"

"Really?" His eyes briefly found mine before they returned their attention to the road. We were on our to his parents' wedding anniversary party that was being held at their house. It was decided that their place had more than enough space for the purpose, besides it was an intimate party "Please do tell"

"I was just remembering one of your visits before we got married, before you asked me out even"

"I'm listening" He said as I admired the way he stylishly steered the wheel.

"It was the day you took me to an amusement park"

When he fully registered the memory "Oh I do remember. The rollercoaster experience especially" He laughed softly. I playfully hit him on his shoulder. Of course he would remember that part specifically "Beautiful memories"

"Yes. Thanks for letting me experience so much Christian"

"You don't have to thank me baby"

"Can I ask you something though?"

"Of course, go a..." He was cut short by a call coming through his phone. He checked and silenced it.

"Aren't you going to take that? It could be important" I urged him

"No. It's Micheal. His call is probably work related. We're almost at the house. I'll just talk with him there. What were you going to ask me?

His phone rang again. He sighed.

"Pick it up already. He might not be at the house yet and what he's calling for might be important"

"Yeah" He answered the call using his airpods "Hey bro"

Momentarily, I glanced at the cake at the backseat. It was a four-tiered cake. Aside the minor decorations that added beauty to it, each tier had a silhouette that represented a stage in their journey together in life. A time when they dated, another being when they got married, the third was when they became parents and lastly, the stage where they became grandparents. I truly loved it, I hoped they did too. Christian had lovely comments about it. I turned my attention back to him. My number one fan.

"Yeah man I drafted the contract already. I thought I sent it to your email already" He gave me an 'I told you so' look.

"Are you sure?"

"Alright then. I will."

"What partnership is that?"

"Of course. That's dad for you but listen man, don't mind him. Specifically, it's about celebration this weekend, even for us workaholics, so drop the work shit" I chastised him softly and he looked at me apologetically, smiling "We'll discuss more on it tomorrow or even Monday. I'll swing by your office after I close from work. The meeting with the company isn't until Friday yeah?"

"I will look into it and get the papers ready. Count on it."

"You welcome"

"Yeah. We are almost at the house. You?"

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