Chapter Thirty-Two (End)

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(Please note that this chapter is a time skip and takes place a few weeks after the previous chapter. This chapter does include double penetration as well mentions of child molestation/rape. Please read carefully and share your thoughts as you go.)

The next few weeks passed in a blur. Victor found himself growing incredibly busy with work, spending most of his nights in his own apartment only to take a Lyft the next day. He had been paranoid Cade would be angry with him over their lack of time spent together, but Cade simply brushed away his concerns. He called Victor each night, asking how his day was. When Victor did express his concerns, Cade simply reassured him it was okay. They were both working, Victor during the day and Cade at night. It was near impossible for them to find proper time together. James needed Victor's help at the shop with an increase in customers. Cade was needed frequently for his job at the club. At the very least, they were able to talk on the phone while Cade was getting ready for work. Often times, Victor was in the tub or curled up in his covers while they would talk.

After weeks of them going around each other like a revolving door, Victor and Cade finally found time to spend together. Victor had a rough day at work, having to suffer through one of the older cats at his work being euthanized. After, he had woken Cade up around eleven in the morning with a phone call. He had been crying in the bathroom of his work after James gave him the remainder of the day off, his voice trembling as he spoke on the phone. Cade had sounded tired; Victor had not even considered that he had not gotten home until around three in the morning.

He had apologized repeatedly, but Cade had only quietly asked what was wrong. Victor had begun sobbing again, breaking down as he explained to Cade how he had to take one of the old cats to be put down due to sickness. Cade had shushed him softly, asking where exactly he was. As he had spoken, Victor could tell he was getting up and dressed before he promised to come get him. Upon his arrival, Victor made his way outside to the car and Cade immediately wrapped him into a warm hug, pressing soft kisses to his head as he assured him everything was going to be okay.

They had spent the remainder of the evening together, enjoying one another until Cade had to leave for work. He had bundled Victor up under the covers, turning his T.V. onto Disney+ so he could watch Raya before he left.

"Victor, wake up." Victor let out a low groan when he felt Cade lightly nudging him. His brows knitted together, and he shifted to press closer against his bare body.

"What?" He let out a low whine when Cade began to shake him again. He slowly blinked his eyes open, reaching up to rub the sleep from them.
"What time is it?"

"Four in the morning." Cade muttered the words before he heaved a heavy sigh.
"Derek called me." Victor's brows pinched together. It had been a few weeks since they had last gone to visit Derek and Chris. It was also odd considering Derek knew Cade worked nights. He had to have been home maybe an hour, give or take a few minutes.

"Derek?" He mumbled before he quickly sat up with his brows knitted together.
"Is something wrong? Is it Chris? Are they okay?" He found himself rattling the questions off. Cade was already up and moving to pull in clothes before he pulled Victor to the edge of the bed, beginning to get him dressed as well.

"It's, um, Chris. He and Derek are fighting. Well, not exactly fighting. Chris is having trouble right now. He woke up from a nightmare and he is scared." Cade explained something which had Victor frowning, though he nodded as he followed Cade out of the house in a rush. Neither of them stopped to put on their shoes or even a jacket as they got into the car and drove.

When they arrived at the house, Victor could hear shouting coming from the inside. A frown etched its way onto his face, and he quickly got out of the car, hurrying to the door.
"Get away from me!" He could hear Chris screaming from the inside.

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