Al cares? (pt.4)

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(Not my art found it on Pinterest but still funny)

Y/n pov*
I woke up to no one in bed with me. I got up and walked out of my room. I walked down the stairs and saw Alastor and Lucifer looking at each other like there were about to kill each other. "Yall good?" I asked as they backed up and looked at me.

"Uhh yeah we are all good here" Lucifer said as Alastor gave him a glare. "Al can you help me in the kitchen" I asked "why of course my dear" he said staring Lucifer down as he walked over to me.

I was cooking the eggs and sausages when I felt a hand on my shoulder . "Need help with that my dear?" Alastor asked me . "Oh thank you Al." I said moving to cut the vegetables "I have something I wanted to tell you" "what is it" he asked without his radio static.


Lucifers pov*
I woke up being snugged by y/n as I could see the dried tears on her face. I felt terrible that I made her feel that way. I kissed her forehead and walked out of the room. "So, yall slept comfy?" I could hear from the deer guy. "Yeah we did whats it to ya" I said turning to face him. "Walk with me" he said as we walked away from her door.

We walked over to the parlor and he turned to face me. "What is you business with her. As far as Im concerned all you have done is bring her pain" he said as I gave an angry look to him. It honestly hurt my heart a bit. "This doesn't involve you" I said glaring at him "oh but it does" he said leaning down to me.

Alastors pov*
I can tell he is getting fussy I need to be sure he has her best interest. "Let's make a deal" "I would never make a deal with the likes of you" "not for your soul. Just a simple deal. I'll help her fall in love with you and you never hurt her again" I asked as he look conflicted "oh you prick, don't pretend like you care about her. I wont hurt her again."

Hes a tough one huh. "So you don't love her then" "that is not your concern." He said as we both glared at each other. "Yall good?" we both moved away and looked over to y/n. "Uh yeah we are all good here" the shortie said I just glared at him. "Al can you help me in the kitchen" y/n said as she stared to walk away. "why of course my dear" I said as I glared at Lucifer with a smirk. I could basically hear him growling at me.


"I wanted to tell you that, I think the reason I was so clingy was because I think I have feelings for Lucifer" I said looking down slowing my cutting. "Oh dear, how do I say this." He said putting a finger to his chin "he doesn't seem to like you back my dear." He said which broke my heart a bit.

" I know Al. I just thought..." I started to cry a bit. "Oh my darling we talked about this. Smile my dear." He said as I looked over to him and he held his arms out for a hug. I really don't know how he got so comfortable with me but I guess I can accept his hug.

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