The hunt (pt.15)

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(Art is mine. Y/n deer form)

I was running around until I found a watering hole. I stopped and drank some water. I heard a small noise and looked over but nothing was there. I ran off and began the hunt.

I never really hunted for food because I never had to. This time is just to clear my head. I saw another deer, this one was a male. I walked up to him and he seemed to think I was an innocent doe. I opened my mouth and bit his neck. He laid on the floor twitching and then there was nothing. I ate his corpse and then heard another twig break.

Once is normal but twice in the same direction. Im being followed. I turned and ran I soon heard heavy footsteps behind me. They were getting closer, I was then tackled to the ground and what I saw was a red deer.

His mouth was open and looked like mine. "Funny Alastor." I said as he got off of me. "Sorry my dear, I had too. Now what are you doing out here. And why do you look like a deer" he said walking around me. "Lucifer hurt me" I said "and you? What are you doing out here?" "We this is my hunting grounds deary. And you killed my dinner" He said facing me. "My bad." I said with sarcasm.

We walked and talked. I told him about what happened with Lucifer and he actually said something helpful. "Listen my dear, he may not be my favorite person im the world but im starting to see that maybe he is a good man and loves you dearly. He didn't tell you to keep you safe." He said as I spotted a deer.

"Your right but that is for another time. Look" I said as he saw the doe. "Let me" I said walking forward. "No my dear, allow me" he said coming into sight of the doe. They made eye contact and he stopped. She came a little closer to him and he opened his mouth bigger then I did. He bit her head off, "come on out my dear. Im going to take this one back to the hotel. But please think about what I said." He said hauling the deer away.


I walked into the hotel and saw Lucifer there again. He looked at me like he did the day he had to let me go. He looked at me with such sorrow in his eyes. He looked at me longing for an apology.

"Lucifer not now" I was about to walk away. "Wait" he said.

Fallen Angels || Lucifer x fem reader (no Lilith)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz