Chapter 29

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As Jungkook and Jin's relationship bloomed, another powerful bond was quietly forming between Jimin and Taehyung. From the moment they met, they had always a sizzling chemistry between them—a magnetic pull that neither could deny.

Their fans who watch them on YouTube, affectionately known as "Vmin shippers," had long recognized the undeniable chemistry between Jimin and Taehyung. They delighted in their playful interactions, their heartfelt moments, and the noticeable connection that seemed to radiate whenever they were together.

But for Jimin and Taehyung, their bond went beyond mere friendship. They were soulmates in every sense of the word—two halves of a whole, drawn together by an invisible thread that seemed to bind their hearts together.

It was in the small moments that their connection truly shone through—the lingering glances, the gentle touches, the whispered confessions shared in the dead of night. They were each other's confidants, their haven in a stormy sea, and they found solace and comfort in each other's presence.

Their fans adored them for their genuine and unbreakable bond, and they celebrated every moment of closeness between Jimin and Taehyung. They saw in them a love that surpassed labels and definitions—a love that was pure, raw, and utterly captivating.

And as Jimin and Taehyung navigated the complexities of their relationship, they couldn't help but feel drawn to each other with an irresistible force. They were two souls intertwined, destined to walk through life hand in hand, their love shining like a beacon in the darkness.


As Jimin and Jungkookie found themselves alone one evening, their conversation flowed effortlessly.

"How is life going kook"? Jimin asked him, sitting beside other

"Mind-blowing, you say what's bothering you"? JK asked, he has become quite good at reading others' faces, maybe it's maturity.

"Me, nothing, what makes you think of that,"? Jimin asked he had many rushed thoughts, but he didn't know that it was written on his face.

"You are my friend chimchim, I understand and you can tell me anything, you know," JK said, assuring others.

"It's just, I'm finding everything so hard at the moment" jimin huffed

"Like"? He raised his eyebrow,

"Like sometimes I feel like there's something between me and ___

"And tae" jk completed for him, chuckling, while leaving jimin stunned.

"How do you know"? He asked, astonished

"I think everyone knows, except you two,' he said

Jimin gave him a surprising look, which JK found too amusing,

"Complete your sentence, what you were going to say"? JK said, resuming their conversation.

"that there is a bond between us that we can't quite explain or understand?" Jimin said,

JK nodded, he looked at Jimin his eyes were showing a mixture of anticipation and longing.

"Hn, Jimin, It's like... there's this undeniable connection between you two,?" JK asked, carefully collecting words from what jimin said.

Jimin nodded, a soft smile playing on his lips.

"I know exactly what you mean, jimin. It's like you two are drawn to each other, no matter what." He added

"Yes, exactly. It's like we're pulled together by some invisible force" Jimin said while softly smiling

"And no matter how much you try to resist it, it's always there, lingering in the air between you two," JK said, nodding

"It's both comforting and confusing at the same time, you know?"

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