~10~ A Redeeming Quality ~10~

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I... stopped having memory-visions, that's for sure.

I don't know what to do.

What Alastor told me...

Even though I was thinking about it the whole night, my feelings were still mixed in a bowl of confusion.

Frustrated, I jumped out of bed and stomped downstairs, just wanting to do SOMETHING about that.

The lobby was empty.
I looked around and found the lovely hotel manager.
"Good to see you, Y/n!"

"Good... eh... W- Where's Al?"
I was distracted.

"He went to a meeting with other overlords,"
Charlie informed.
"How are you feeling?"

"I'm... okay, I think."
I sighed.

"Vaggie and I planned to do some trust exercises with the guests, but you don't seem to be in a state for that. I think you should rest some more, just in case. It'll be the safest for you, too."
She decided.
The princess turned around to grab something.

"A rehabilitated sinner in heaven?"
I smiled at the arranged food on the plate she gave me.

"It's you, feeling better!"


"Uh... Charlie, by the way, my article is done."
I handed her the copy.
"But... I don’t feel like going out there and finding a way to publish it myself. I hope you understand..."

I was scared of stepping outside.
Or opening my window.
Or going to the balcony.
I worried the Vees would get me somehow.

"Yes, yes of course! Thank you so much for your work, I'm sure it'll be very useful."
Her smile could light up a black hole.

Her thoughts caught up to her.

"Hey, Y/n? If I may intervene..."
She asked hesitantly.


"I... I don’t ACTUALLY know what’s going on between you two, and... it looks REALLY bad, but..."


"I just want you to remind you that admitting in mistakes, and most importantly- forgiveness, are the most powerful redeeming qualities."

I sighed.

"No- no, just hear me out, please.
It takes a lot of courage for a soul to face their sin, and even more to another to confront it again and forgive it.
Leaving the heavy burdens behind can help a soul elevate, both of the sinner and the forgiver, and make them better."

"It's... complicated, Charlie."

"Forgiveness is a redeeming quality because it, in itself, redeems a wrong- a mistake, and allows it to be worked on and made right."
She explained.

I stood in silence, not sure if I wanted to accept what she said.

"Will you think about it, at least?"
She looked at me with pleading eyes.

I looked away.
"I'll keep that in mind."

I stared at the plate as I walked back to my room.
My eyes fixated on the strawberries.

What do I do?
...I can’t.

But he didn't ask me to.
He asked me to find it in my heart to move on, to start anew.

You Again ~ Alastor [Hazbin Hotel] (FINISHED)Where stories live. Discover now