• Part Nineteen •

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Yeonjun pov

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Yeonjun pov.

After a very awkward and embarrassing moment, she suddenly fainted.

I gasped as she hit the floor.

Oh my God! Is she all right??

I was scared to let go of the bedframe because I would probably loose balance. So I got back on the ground and wrapped myself in the blanket until I looked like I was wearing a silky blanket dress.

Then I quickly crawled towards her.

I bent down to examine her lovely face. It still looked gorgeous through human eyes.

I gently touched her incredibly soft cheek with my right hand and attempted to speak "P- pri- nn.. Ehem."

It was more difficult than I thought.

My voice seemed very attractive though, and I am relieved.

What do I do now?

I tried thinking of what I should do. I forgot how to be a human after all these years.

If I could only stand up, I could carry her to her bed and make sure she didn't hurt her head...

After examining her soft face, my gaze went up to the large wooded door that was shut.

I wonder... What is out there. Maybe I could get help?... No, that's dumb. How would I explain?

I removed my hand from her cheek and started to crawl towards the door.

I may appear a man, but I am still a curious fox after all.

I reached for the doorknob and twisted it.

With a small tug, the door opened and revealed an empty hallway.

There was so many beautiful details that my eyes would never get bored.

I closed the door behind me and crawled through the hallway.

Hopefully nobody sees me... That would be embarrassing.

I continued crawling until I came to the nearest door.

While on my knees, I carefully and quietly turned the knob and slowly opening the door, revealing another beautiful bedroom. Except this one was more messy and less colorful.

The Princess And The Fox || Choi Yeonjun FFWhere stories live. Discover now