Chapter 10: One of the apartments in Dollatlanta

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              "Girls, I know how to deal with Beverly!" stated Vivian before she approached Beverly, "Beverly! What a surprise! Everybody wants to see you! Go on! Give them a hello!" She said before leaving the nightclub and gestured her friends to follow her.

"Hello, everybody!" Beverly greeted the partiers, only to realize that no one has greeted her, "What the heck is wrong with you guys? You were supposed to say hello!"

"Beverly Streator? That girl sounds different from that rag doll and the paper one," Katsuko crossed her arms with disapproval.

"Different? I am Beverly Streator! Beverly Streator, you sillies!"

After six seconds of silence, Karan snapped her fingers and ordered the partiers to throw things at the pink haired girl, humiliating her. She and her band members watched in amusement seeing Beverly being humiliated and not being popular than Holly. Albinia gave popcorn to Kairi, which she ate one of them. Outside the nightclub, Lisa, Holly herself, Maureen, Verena, Mallory, Nikki, Portia, Bailey, Vivian, Rita, Siobhan, Muriel and Jacquie watched Beverly's greatest humiliation when they laughed.

"Nobody messes with the popular rag doll!" said Lisa.

"Everybody dislikes you, Beverly!" Holly chuckled.

"Nobody likes a girl without respect," Nikki crossed her arms.

Later on, in the same night, Lisa, Holly and the girls went to a neighborhood in Dollatlanta after avoiding Beverly. They looked for a place to say in order to spend many days in the district of dolls tomorrow. They encountered a building and a apartment which belonged to the owner, "Siobhan, do you live here?" Holly asked Siobhan.

"Not really, Hol. The apartment in the 222 Ted Dollturner Drive has never been rented for years," Siobhan stated as she opened the door before turning on the lights. She walked on the hallway where she saw some apartments and went upstairs where she saw the second floor, "This one sounds like a better place for us. Let's get in one of the apartments to spend the night," She told them.

They opened the door and looked around wondering where the residents of the apartment would be. They looked every corner, but they realized that the apartment was really empty. They went to the bedroom where it used to be the couple's bedroom, "This is where we spend our time, girls!" said Lisa.

A moment later, the girls are sitting closer to the bed, chatting and chuckling at their jokes, "There are many apartments in this district, Siobhan," Lisa was impressed.

"Thanks, Lisa," Siobhan brushed her hair.

"Well, Jacquie, you're like me and Portia," Holly talked to Jacquie.

"Please, as I said earlier, I'm a nu goth girl with...uh, a lack of emotions sometimes. But, I care about you, Muriel and Siobhan," Jacquie replied.

"Girls, how about this joke? Why the paper doll had cut her hair?" Siobhan asked jokingly.

"I don't know, why?" said Maureen.

"To get herself an afro!" The paper doll and her friends laughed, amused at her joke.

"That's funny! You say a joke to amuse us!" Verena chuckled, "You could come to my house and see my collection!" She said when she got up and pulled down her pants, much to her friends' embarrassment and dismay.

"Verena, don't do that!" Lisa covered her eyes.

"C'mon, dawg! Pull up your jeans!" Portia looked embarrassed.

"Sorry," Verena smiled nervously.

"Girls, wanna hear one more joke? Why the apple doll crossed the road?" Muriel asked.

A doll named Holly: The Rag doll and the New DollsWhere stories live. Discover now