Thorfinn Fjallsson

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The sound of rain filled the air as a group of farmers hit their hoes into the ground to till the ground for the upcoming season. The ground had finally softened and the soil was ready for this year's crops to be planted; the snow had long since melted and while a crisp breeze still made the residents it this farm shiver it was bearable with the furs they covered themselves in. While the rest of the labourers worked hard in ploughing the land, one of them leant on their home as they looked out towards the main house.

Thorfinn Fjollsson watched with envy as he saw Ragnar play with his son Bjorn, teaching him how to wield a sword and axe. While he was grateful to the man for taking him in after his mother had died, he knew he was meant for more than tilling the land and helping bring in the harvest. They had just celebrated Eostre in Kattegat and so they expected the Harvest to be plentiful this year; Ragnar would need all hands ready to plant as much as they could for the upcoming winter. Food was as good as gold during particularly rough winters.

Thorfinn hoped that he might convince Ragnar to take him raiding with him this year. He wished to prove himself and he couldn't do that if he was stuck being a simple labourer for his entire life. "Thorfinn! Till the land, the rain is undoing our work!" One of the older men yelled to him.

Thorfinn grunted before bringing his hoe up and continuing to till the ground. He hoped the rain would stop soon as too much would mean more work tomorrow, and he had wanted to go fishing in the nearby stream; perhaps he could catch something for Rebekah and she could cook it for them, he did always enjoy the food she had brought him at times. Though he had to admit Gyda was just as talented a cook, which surprised Thorfinn as Lagertha's food was nothing special.

Clearing these thoughts from his mind he slammed his hoe back into the ground. His muscles were burning and aching as he had been filling the ground since the morning with little break. His kyrtill was soaking through because of the rain and he had to brush his shoulder-length white hair out of his face. Thorfinn was often said to have been touched by the gods as he was born with white hair that almost seemed to glow, and as he grew older he seemed to grow more handsome as well.

Even at thirteen winters old he was turning the heads of women twice his age and had even been propositioned many times in Kattegat, by both men and women alike —but he did not want to think about the former. For hours he kept on tilling the land, it seemed the gods were on his side today as the rain stopped shortly after and they were allowed to continue their work without too much damage caused to the land.

After he had finished for the day he walked exhaustedly to the stream next to the farm. He removed his clothing before submerging himself in the river and washing the accumulated sweat and earth from his body. The sun had come out from behind the clouds bringing a bit of warmth to the otherwise cold land and while it couldn't compare to the icy cold water of the river, Thorfinn found that he didn't mind the coldness of the water and took pleasure in lying under the shining sun. Washing his face once more he emerged from the river and walked to where he had hung up his clothes on a nearby tree branch; Thorfinn heard a rustle in one of the bushes and smiled "Shouldn't you be cooking with your mother Gyda? She'll be disappointed that you spent you spent your time watching me bathe," Thorfinn said jokingly as he put on his clothing.

Gyda emerged from the bushes having been caught, Thorfinn could see a slight flush on her face as she came out but she had her arms crossed. "You said you'd help me pick herbs after you were done in the fields, when I came to find you, you were nowhere to be found," Gyda said accusingly.

"It was a hard day Gyda, I wished to clean myself before doing anything else," Thorfinn explained as he slipped his krytill over his head.

"Was the rain Freyr sent not enough to clean you," Gyda said with a giggle.

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