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Bebbenburg was in hysteria, a guard had been murdered in the halls of the castle and the culprit was nowhere to be seen. Uhtred was woken up in the middle of the night by Edgar who had been the person to discover the body; Uhtred cursed as he quickly made his way down the corridors to the scene of the crime, a few guards had been posted at each of the corridors entrances to prevent people from coming across the body. "Who was this person Edgar?" Uhtred asked as he approached the body on the ground. It was fresh, the guard had only been dead a few hours so the culprit must be somewhere close.

"He was O'rlan milord, he be one of my bes' men," Edgar said in his rough accent.

"Clearly not if he's dead... do you have any leads? Any evidence? Any Idea who did it!" He said with his voice getting increasingly louder as he did.

"Fraid no' milord, we only jus' found him," Edgar replied as he looked down at the body of his fallen comrade.

Uhtred just cursed and started pacing around the corridor as he tried to think about what he could do. The king was sleeping in these very halls so, of course, the right thing to do would be to inform the king so he could leave with his family immediately, but if he did that then he'd most definitely fall out of the king's favour and the effort he was putting in to get back into his good graces would be for nought. He wouldn't let his position suffer just because of one cunt that decided to kill one of his guards 'It was probably a minor dispute that went wrong,' he justified to himself.

He approached Edgar and grabbed him by the shoulder "I want you to get rid of this body and scrub this area clean, no one knows about tonight am I clear?!" He said sternly and Edgar nodded his head in confirmation.

"Double the guards at the entrances and start sending patrols through the corridors at night, I want the King's chambers and mine to be prioritised," he commanded.

"If I do 'hat I'll haft ta take men from the village milord," Edgar replied.

"Do it, this is much more important than that damn place, I don't want anyone sneaking around these halls, especially near the King's chambers," Uhtred said before taking one last look at the dead guard and going back to his chambers. After he left Edgar silently cursed but started to carry out his orders and get rid of the body, luckily the pigs hadn't eaten since that afternoon.

"I'll deal with 'his fucker," Edgar said as he started dragging the body down the corridor.

"You boys clean up," He commanded them to which they nodded. Edgar lifted the body which was quite difficult considering his small frame and he started to move slowly through the castle. He went down a few levels before he was walking down into the cove that Bebbenburg was built atop. The people who made this castle built a dock for ships to come in, though for some reason Lord Uhtred didn't think it needed to be guarded. He continued down the steps, huffing and breathing heavily as he continued to walk until he got to the stone walkway and let the body fall to the floor "Fucking heavy cunt,' Edgar cursed as he rubbed his shoulders.

"You're late..." a voice hissed from the shadows behind him. Edgar turned around and saw a cloaked man emerge from the shadows.

"Someone saw me, I had to lose them," Edgar replied with a look of annoyance on his face. The hooded man walked towards the body on the ground and pressed a pale hand to his skin. "Good... this one is fresh, you've done well," he hissed out before standing back up and throwing him a pouch of silver.

Edgar caught it but looked no more happy than he did before "I don't care for your damn silver!" He whispered loudly as there was an echo in the cove.
"I know not why you have come here, but I don't want to be in business with you anymore!"

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