Becoming a Man

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"Pick up the sword," Elijah said as he looked down at Thorfinn who was flat on his back. Thorfinn reached and picked up the sword before abruptly bringing it up as Elijah swung down on him. The crack of wood sounded out through the valley as he blocked the blow "You're faster than you look, I had thought your speed was only limited to running away," he mocked before swinging his sword around and hitting the bottom of Thorfinn's sword flinging it out of his hands and then hitting him in the stomach.

"GAAAGH!" Thorfinn sputtered as the wooden sword knocked the wind out of him. He rolled across the ground avoiding another swing of the sword before he got up and grabbed his own.

"Had that been a real blade you would be dead and my sister would be free of a boy that can offer her nothing," Elijah said as he stood with his sword pointed against the ground, not concerned in the slightest that Thorfinn might be a threat.

Thorfinn roared as he charged at Elijah swinging his wooden sword down towards his skull. Elijah gripped both ends of his sword with both hands before deflecting Thorfinn's blade off to the side while also countering him with a pommel strike to his face, he then grabbed him by the collar of his neck and kicked his legs out from under him. "Dead again," Elijah simply said as he walked off turning his back on Thorfinn.

Thorfinn pushed himself up and rushed towards Elijah intent on tackling the larger man to the ground, Elijah turned quickly and kneed him in the face before spinning around and hitting him in the jaw with his sword. "Dead... you expected to go raiding for wealth and honour when you fight like this? My father would slaughtered you if he knew you were courting his daughter," Elijah said with a disappointed look on his face.

Thorfinn glared at him as if his pride had been wounded, his jaw was bruised and his nose bloody, but he still picked up his sword and pointed it at Elijah "Let's go again," he simply said. Elijah chuckled in amusement before nodding and holding his sword out.

Thorfinn charged and swung his sword in a more controlled manner than before. Elijah avoided the first swing but was surprised when Thorfinn switched his grip on the sword and swung at his midsection; Elijah brought his sword up and blocked it, their clash was short as Thorfinn jumped back before rushing forward with another flurry of attacks. Elijah decided not to bring the fight to a close just yet, he was studying Thorfinn at the moment; his movement was clumsy and he often overextended himself leaving him open but he was fast and his blade moved where he wished it to, which is a good foundation to work upon.

When they clashed again Elijah grabbed Thorfinn by the back of the head and hit him against his blade making him stumble back. "You're fighting as if we are having fun, as if this is but a game, battle is not a game boy, you must use everything at your disposal to win," Elijah said before gripping his sword with two hands and swinging down. Thorfinn stepped back clumsily to avoid it, he then swiped his sword trying to hit Elijah's chin. Unfortunately, Elijah was taller than he was so the sword passed an inch or two away from his face.

Elijah then lunged forward and thrust the wooden sword into his stomach before bringing it around and hitting him on the side of his head, but unlike the previous times Thorfinn didn't go down instead he spun with the momentum and brought his wooden sword into Elijah's side. A grin crept up on his face when he thought he had caught him but the older man's hand snaked out and grabbed the wooden sword before it could hit him.

He then booted Thorfinn in the chest sending the boy sprawling to the ground. 'He's not bad, knows when to dodge instead of block and can take a hit, and even use it to counter,' Elijah thought as he placed his wooden sword on his shoulder. When his sister asked him to help Thorfinn he had mostly just done it to see her happy, in truth, he didn't expect Thorfinn to last long in a real battle, but Elijah could see that he had potential, he would not survive as he was but if he was willing to learn then he could get him into a state where he might be able to survive.

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