Lone Viking

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Rebekah lay in her bed uninterested in going out for the fifth day in a row. It had been nearly two weeks since Thorfinn had left to go west and with every day that passed by she worried for him; she hoped to avoid her family as something on her body was becoming noticeable, her belly had started to grow and swell. She knew this would happen eventually when her moon blood did not come, and in truth, she was happy about it, but she feared what her father and mother might do. To her, to Thorfinn, but especially to the baby.

'Maybe I can hide the truth from them,' she thought to herself as she traced her stomach with her fingers thinking of the life that was growing inside her. A smile grew on her face when she thought about it, she hoped that Thorfinn would be back soon with much wealth, wealth enough to convince her father to let them marry. Her hand went from her stomach to between her legs; her arousal was dripping profusely, her entire groin area was soaked, and she needed Thorfinn's touch once more. No matter how much she touched herself she couldn't bring herself to the same release that Thorfinn could.

"Thorfinn..." she whispered as she ran her finger across her swollen nub, the pleasure she felt from it was intense and a bit of her love nectar squirted out of her making her curl her feet against the bed. She thought of him above her thrusting his hard manhood into her whole while he held her close, she imagined herself serving him on her knees and pleasuring him with her mouth. While she imagined this she continued to rub herself, the pleasure she felt was building up, with her other hand she grabbed her sensitive breasts, squeezing them and imagining it was Thorfinns hand.

She reached the peak of her pleasure, but as she was going to push herself over she found herself unable to find release. She rubbed faster and faster, she even pushed a finger inside of her and tried a second one, but wasn't able to fit it inside her tight hole.

She couldn't do it, she was unable to achieve release. She slumped onto her bed spreading her arms out as she breathed heavily, a sheen of sweat covering her body. A large wet patch covered her bed and nightgown making her sticky and uncomfortable, she'd need to get up and wash, but the paranoia of anyone seeing her unclothed stopped her.


"Give me a moment!" She said in a panic as she brushed her hair and put a thicker dress over her nightgown. She then quickly went over to the door and opened it just to be greeted by her brother Elijah.

"Rebekah, are you well?" Elijah asked with concern on his face, she had stayed inside and taken her meals in her room for five days now, he knew that she had not taken Thorfinns departure well, but he sensed there might be more to it.

"I am fine Elijah, just a little under the weather," She replied, and it was true Rebekah did look flushed and sweaty.

"I see... I was coming to ask if you'd like to come to the harbour, a lone ship he'd been spotted, we believe it to be Ragnar and his crew," Elijah stated.

"Thorfinn!" She said with excitement in her eyes and a wide smile on her face. She quickly put on some more layers before practically dragging Elijah out of her room. "Rebekah calm down, the boat will be there by the time we arrive," Elijah said with a small smile on his face. In truth he looked forward to Thorfinn returning, when he had first started training him he thought that they would be going east together in the summer raids, but he was told by Thorfinn a month into his stay that he planned to sail west with Ragnar. 'A fool's errand,' he remembered calling it, but at the time he did not try convince him to otherwise as he did not care if he wanted to throw his life away.

However that changed after he saved his and Niklaus's life on Hesteins farm, he tried multiple times to convince him not to go west, but he would not listen. While it was true there was not much wealth to be had east it was known and a lot safer than what he planned to do. He felt relieved when he heard a lone boat come into the bay, he had come to see Thorfinn as a friend and he admired the resolve the boy had to achieve his dreams. He just hoped he wasn't injured or dead.

Fighting, Honour and Valhalla || Vikings x The Originals x TVDNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ