Under the Moonlight

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Thorfinn entered Kattegat, it was late at night but the Jarl had been feasting so there were still the sounds of laughter and revelry coming from the centre of town. Thorfinn occasionally passed someone but mostly the streets were empty and people had returned to their homes; Thorfinn nodded at those he recognised and earned one back. He was nervous, to say the least, Mikael was a cruel man and a powerful man who was exceptionally wealthy, and Thorfinn was sneaking into his home to visit his only daughter. It reminded him of the story Ragnar often told his children of how he fought a bear and a hound to win the hand of Lagertha and when Bjorn would ask why he'd go so far Ragnar would say that love makes a fool of all men.

Thorfinn certainly was feeling foolish but he would not alter his plans, he wished to see Rebekah as it had been too long since their last meeting and his heart yearned to see her again. He sent a silent prayer to the gods that Mikael would not catch him and that he may leave their longhouse with all his limbs intact. He also hoped he would not catch the attention of her mother; it is said that she is a powerful witch who is favoured by the gods, at least that is what people say.

Thorfinn was getting close now and started to stick to the shadows of the houses he passed and avoid the torchlight. He had hoped since there was a feast that Mikael and his sons would be in attendance, but in case they were not he would make sure not to get spotted. A small wall ran around the entirety of Mikael's longhouse, as his house was in town this was a great signifier of his wealth as it showed how much land he had in such a desirable place. Hopping the wall was an easy task, Thorfinn then continued forward and kept close to the floor all the way to the Longhouse where he pressed his body up against the wall. He pressed his ear against the wood and tried to listen for the sounds of the father or any of the brothers, but he heard nothing which put a smile on his face.

He had been told by Rebekah that her room had a good view of the sea and so he walked around the house until he could see the bay. One of the windows was open and a light shone from within; Thorfinn looked over the edge and smiled as he saw Rebekah sitting on her bed as she undid the braids of her hair. She wore a thin white linen dress that she planned to wear to bed; Thorfinn felt his heart beat faster as he watched her, she was a beauty without equal, there was not a man —or even some women— who did not find her beautiful or wish to bed her and take her as their wife.


Rebekah stopped unbraiding her hair and looked to the window where the whistle had come from. She almost screamed when she saw someone there watching her, but seeing the familiar white hair managed to calm her down. "Thorfinn!" She whispered excitedly as she rushed over to her window.

Thorfinn smiled at her before pulling himself inside her room and embracing her in a hug. He relished the feel of her pressed up against him; he felt disappointed when she pulled away but was rewarded by the sight of her beautiful face. "What are you doing here so late, my father would kill you if he found you here," she said with a hint of concern in her voice.

"I could not spend another night without seeing your face, and I would fight your entire family for that privilege," Thorfinn said as he brushed her long wavy blonde hair behind her ears.

"You are sweet Thorfinn, but foolish, very few could best my father in a fight," she said as she caressed his face.

Thorfinn smiled "Then I shall be one of those few so I may claim the hand of his daughter," he said before moving in closer and pressing his lips against Rebekah's. She hummed in delight as she closed her eyes and enjoyed the feeling of his lips pressed against her own. She squeaked as Thorfinn lifted her up and carried her over to her bed and sat down so that she was on top of him. Thorfinn felt his arousal peak having such a beautiful woman on top of him, in that moment he would even fight the gods should they come in and try to separate the two.

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