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Eowyn sat in the garden of Bebbenberg castle letting the cool sea breeze brush against her skin. She found herself fascinated with the sea, she remembered her father and brothers taking her and Arwyn to the coast when she was young. It was the happiest time of her life, especially since her mother was still with them. As she looked to the shoreline she could almost see a younger version of herself being thrown into the sea by her older brother Brun. Her vision disappeared as fast as it came and all she was left with was the empty shore and the knowledge most of her family were dead.

Eowyn wasn't sure what she should do, she had been put in such an impossible position. She wanted to leave with her sister and go far away from here, perhaps to Wessex or East Anglia. Thorfinn was their biggest and only obstacle, he had Arwyn in his thrall and Eowyn wasn't sure how to free her. 'I need to kill him...' she thought to herself, it was the only way she could think of to stop his control and give her sister back to her. Thorfinn was strong, intelligent and brutal, if she failed in her task she had no doubt he would devise some sort of punishment that would hurt her more than just physically. Her eyes drifted to the plants that were in the garden, a lot of them were herbs that could be used in food, it wasn't a surprise, her mother kept a small herb garden behind their home. But seeing this sparked an idea in her mind, belladonna was a plant her mother had warned her and her sister about when she was younger.

She said never to touch it or we would become sick. Poisoning Thorfinn sounded better than trying to slit his throat during the night —she had a chance with the former unlike the latter. Eowyn stood up and started walking through the gardens brushing her hands against the plants. She knew she couldn't put the poison in his food, he was too observant and any food she gave him would identify her as the one who did it giving him time to act. Her mind raced as she tried to find a solution, while she thought she found herself coming to the end of the path and towards a small wall that went around the garden. Eowyn breathed out a sigh as she struggled to think, she started rubbing her stomach mindlessly.

"Expecting one are you."

Eowyn was snapped out of her thoughts as she looked up at the older woman in front of her. She was dressed in a red and white gown with a scarf covering her hair. "No my lady I've just been unwell as of late," Eowyn said as she forced a smile.

"Make sure not to stay cooped up, some fresh air will do you good," the woman said before continuing on her way and leaving Eowyn to her thoughts.

'I'll be with child soon...' the thought sent feelings of excitement and revulsion through her. She had always wanted to be a mother, but not with Thorfinn; he had spilt his seed in her many times over the past week so she knew she would have a child soon. She had to kill Thorfinn, she would never let her child be influenced by him, to become another demon who murders people's families and forces themselves on women.

She thought about ending the baby's life before it could even arrive in this world —something that made her cringe. She quickly shook that thought off, she could never kill her child "God... if you haven't abandoned me, I could use your guidance," she whispered as she looked up to the sky. She didn't know what she had been expecting, perhaps a loud voice from the heavens or a whisper in the wind, what she got was nothing. That was until she felt something touch her feet, she looked down and saw the grass growing before her very eyes; then out of the middle, a red rose bloomed. Eowyn was speechless, it was clearly a miracle she had just witnessed. She bent down and touched the flower, it seemed to move to her touch before she even touched it.

'What are you trying to tell me...' she thought to herself as she brushed her hand against its petals.


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