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Arwyn felt like she had been living a nightmare, one she would never wake from, or perhaps she was in hell. One night during a full moon she was waken during the night by a cold breeze that brushed against her skin; when she opened her eyes she saw the snarling form of a large wolf-like creature. Before she could even scream its hand was around her mouth and it muffled any sounds she could make. Tears formed around her eyes as she struggled in the creature's grasp, but she couldn't, the creature from hell had her.

The last thing she saw was the shocked expression of her sister as she was dragged out of her home. She tumbled across the ground as she was dragged into the forest, she tried to claw the ground and stop the monster from taking her, but all that she achieved was the pain of her fingernails being torn from her body. She screamed for help but no one came and she quickly disappeared into the forest.

It all became hazy after that, she had been scratched and bitten by the creature when she started stuffing against it. She remembered grabbing her cross and stabbing it into its nose; the wolf man recoiled at this and she was able to run away from him. She didn't know what direction she was heading in and she didn't much care, she ran and ran; she screamed when she saw the wolf running up to her with its massive jaws open. Arywn turned around to try and defend herself and she ended up tumbling down a cliff and into a rushing river.

After that everything truly became hazy, she remembered some things but it was as if she wasn't in control of her body. She watched as she chased down people and animals, tearing their flesh from their bodies and eating it. It scared her. She could taste the blood on her tongue and feel as she tore them apart, but she couldn't stop, she couldn't control her body, all she could do was watch and live in this new horror.


Arywn gasped out for air as she woke up, she screamed as she looked around the room she was in. She was awake for what seemed like the first time in a long time, she tried to push herself up but her arms gave out and she fell back down; she couldn't even talk, when she tried to form words they seemed to morph and come out as nonsense.

"Calm yourself, woman!"

She almost jumped out of her skin when she heard a loud voice from beside her. She used all the strength she could to back away from the loud voice, she was still too weak and all she could do was curl into herself as she looked at the man sitting in the darkness.

"I thought for sure you would change back... I'm disappointed you didn't," he said.

"Ho.... rrrr... youuu," she struggled to say. As she became less hysteric she recognised that she was in a familiar home, it was the home of Aelfrida.

"What did you say?" He asked.
"I am new to your language, so I do not recognise all the words."

Thorfinn looked at Arwyn, she was pale, sweaty and breathing heavily. He sighed as he reached over to the table and grabbed his cup, he knelt on the bed and handed it to her "Drink," he instructed.

She was still scared she didn't want to take anything from the man before her, but she couldn't stop herself from reaching out and taking it. She pressed the cup to her lips and tentatively drank the liquid, as soon as it filled her mouth she began to drink greedily. Thorfinn watched as the girl drained the cup, and gave it back to him; he was disappointed that he wouldn't be getting another pelt to adorn himself with, but he still had the other trophy so it wasn't all bad.

At that point, Eowyn came inside the room and dropped the food she was carrying as she saw her sister was now awake. "Arwyn!!!" She screamed in relief as she rushed over to the bed. Arywn whipped her head over to the sound and jolted away, but she quickly recognised her sister and tears of relief came streaming out of her face as she let her older sister engulf her in a hug.

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