Surfer chicks 🏄‍♀️🏄‍♀️

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Chapter 15 ..............

Surfing these waves with Cody felt amazing and of course I'm using his board and he took Nate's surf board out for a few spins . Jess got super pissed . We just ignore them both surfing wave after wave . Nate's jaw dropped in the sand . Jess was shocked that I know how to surf bigger waves because whenever I looked at her , she definitely looked upset . When I wasn't watching Cody , he shoved me right off my surfboard into bigger waves . I popped my head up outta the water to see Nathan swimming my way like I was dying or something. Cody what the fuck man he's screaming at him and Cody swam over to us saying dude it's a joke we have as a couple but you wouldn't understand that . He screamed at him . She's fine ! . You good summer ? He asked me . Yeah totally I said as Nate held my board for me and I climbed onto it . Thanks I tossed a fake smile at him and watched Jess, her eyes had sparks of flames in them and steam too possibly. Haha .
Cody - do you always play lifeguard? He hissed at Nathan . Nope just for my girlfriend he said back . However you don't watch yours , you just let her drown in the ocean like a dumb ass . I wasn't drowning I snapped at him we always shove each other off . Nate - I guess I thought you were drowning, my bad phony tail girl . He swam away to his girl . I waved to Jess and she flipped me off making me burst into laughter. I'm definitely not the problem here . Her boyfriend was definitely obsessed with me . I don't want him . I was dating Cody not him and the sooner she gets it tru her head the better I'll feel !!!!!!!
Hey babe Cody said kissing my cheek. Hey you got in trouble there I burst into laughter.
Mr. Steal your girl he joked elbow me and I burst out laughing harder yeah definitely!!!
Cody asked me the biggest question of the year - so why did you move here again? You must've told me before but I've got a memory of a fish . I laughed - because my grandma passed away last year and we didn't feel comfortable leaving grandpa here alone even if he's independent mostly. Cody - awe I'm sorry for your loss . Don't let them drag you tru high tides though . I'm best friends with them both and they're rude to everybody. I definitely don't think it's my business to tell you what Nathan's been through . It should come from him and maybe one day he will tell you. I'm curious what he meant by that . I don't really understand why Jess was rude to me though. Nathan had a big secret tho .
Maybe next time I'm alone it's him I'll definitely be sure to ask him about his own life ? .
Jess however watches him like she's a mountain lion ready to pounce on any girls who have tried putting their paws on him . Then she tears into them . It happened to me !!! .
I don't understand her . I don't understand why she thinks I'm interested in Nathan but here we go again. I'm now done surfing and she's rushing by me to once again pounce ! .
I'm shoved hard into the sand face down - watch it summertime she snapped at me . I doubt Nathan would save you once again because I'd breakup with him . He's become a loser just like you and Cody . I have my phone recording her saying both boys are losers after dusting myself off and my face . Alright bitch what's your problem with me surfing with my own boyfriend?! I wasn't drowning by the way . You're boyfriend thought I was though. I didn't tell him to swim to my rescue. Jess - he's under your evil little spell you casts on him and so is your boyfriend. He won't be your boyfriend for long tho bitch you will see . Don't freaking mess with me. You really have been warned now summertime !!
Summer giggles. What's funny bitch she says . You are just a fire cracker . Nobody's into your boyfriend and nobody's into your surfing skills . I think you're jealous of me !!!!!!!!
I said watching her huff and puff , getting ready to blow this sandy beach into the water and drowned me . I'm definitely not jealous of you newbie . You can't even surf ! I'd get more experience in next round she winked at me and say's enjoy your weekend bitch !!!
I'm left standing here just shaking my head thinking keep trying to embarrass me bitch because it's never going to happen. You're being warned stay clear from my boyfriend! .
Bite me bitch I screamed . Hey are you okay I saw everything Cody said . I'm fabulous I say my blood's boiling over and this officially means war . War. I'm ready to play games and burn her down. She thinks I'm intimidating or something....she will breakdown !!!!

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