The new girl 💐🌷💐

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Chapter 23.

I've heard there's a new girl named Addie In sunny Florida but I didn't notice how pretty she was until I watched her come off a ship , literally a ship that looked fancy to .
It was definitely dropping off new people but to live here fully or just s mini vacation? I prayed in my head that she's here for the vacation. I'm praying she's not going to make best friends with Jess . Then a light hits me . Literally. I'll introduce myself before her . I think it would be fun having a new best friend here with me even if it was just for a few weeks . Her blonde hairs up in a cute bun and she's wearing a dark orange bikini that's kinda red . I decided to march up to that ship and introduce myself to her and hope for the best . Here goes nothing . She's staring at me with a kind smile . Hi Addie my names Summer I'm kinda new here to I toss her a smile right back at her . Hi summer she says.
She stepped off the ships deck and I gave her some space not wanting to creep her out . How do you know my name ? She asked . Uh turn around I say pointing at the board . I just assumed that was you . Addie smiled and giggles saying yup that's me . Captain is a creep she says I'm so happy I'm off this ship. He tried asking me out a bunch of times . I made a funny face and held my nose saying predator alert. Addie giggled- I like you !!!!!
Thanks Addie so I can definitely show you around here but don't become bffs with the mean girls of this beach I say . Addie - yeah sure I'm down . I could use a new friend !!!
And what mean girls ? . Jessica and her best friend. Nathan is single but Cody's mine I say . Noted Addie says learning her place as the new girl now and the spotlights off me .
Do you wanna be friends I asked her my best friend Bella lives in snowy Colorado!!!!!! .
I wait nervously for her to respond. Sure she says let's get away from this smelly ship . I grabbed her arm agreeing with her and her mom screamed don't go too far Addie !!!!!!!
Her mother reminded me of my mother , perhaps she enjoys skinny dipping as well and they can act weird together? My mom making friends definitely would be weird here to me especially but least she wouldn't be calling me 24/7 . Addie and I are going on a nice long walk and she asked me - so who's Jess and why's she a mean girl ? Summer - she's not very found of new girls showing up here in Florida. Apparently these beaches she owns and that boy Nathan was her boyfriend for a few years and then here I came and he broke up with her . But I wasn't interested because Cody his friend caught my heart and my attention and Nathan , his attitude was really bad towards me just like Jess was when I arrived . Being the new girl I kinda had two targets on my back . Addie - wow !!! That's a long interesting story. I don't want a target on my back I'm here on vacation!!!
Why are you here ? She says . I sighed - I live here officially now my grandma passed !!
My grandpa can't handle living here alone , they got a house here and they've basically both grew up here. I lived in Colorado like I said before . I have a ex boyfriend who lives there and his names Jasper , I can definitely hook you guys up . Addie - I'm staying put . I'm here only for a mini vacation but I'm glad you live here to show me around and I'm glad we're becoming friends. We should trade phone numbers I told her . She agreed . I passed her my phone and she tossed me hers . Here I said . Here you go summer she's saying hand me mind . I heard a voice behind me saying who's your new best friend?!!!
Addie whispered- I'm guessing that's Jess . Yup sadly I say let me handle this bitch I'm saying as she's walking towards us . Addie - I got your back . May we help you ladies ? I toss her and Molly a look . Molly - who's your new best friend? She simply asked you a question, are you deaf ? . Snickering from Jess and her other new side kick . Kenzie !!!!
I'm Addie . Addie says to both girls . I'm guessing you're Jess she says looking at me as I shook my head telling her she's look at the correct bitch . Then I step in - I'm not deaf . I simply just had enough of your bullying behavior and seems like you're ex boyfriend did to . Addie burst into laughter. Excuse me bitch Jess says stepping towards me . Watch it she warned me . Molly her pet parrot repeats herself- watch it ! Bitch ! Addie - grow up both of you this is embarrassing look at your other friend over there she seems scared . I bet she's being forced to be bffs with you two losers and you pick on her everyday . I'm shocked at Addie's attitude and I'm loving it . Molly - who gave you permission to talk ?
Myself she says . I bite my tongue from laughing and I watched their friend Kenzie I'm assuming Is her name burst into laughter. But once Molly and Jess give her a death look she's suddenly bite her tongue to and standing there . Molly - get home you loser ! Now
. Kenzie just nods her head and runs away and I'm tempted to follow but not here and not in front of molly and Jess . Addie - let's be careful how we speak in front of me you two are beach bullies and I'll make sure that the state police here are notified here !!!!!!
Mollys jaw dropped and Jess laughed - yeah okay beach cops . Shut the hell up newbie . I'm not scared of summer here and I'm not scared of you and Kenzie is my best friend. If I catch her around you both she gives Addie a look I'll snap her like s fucking twig !!!
Addie gets in Jess face - then I'll snap Molly like a twig and we will be even evil bitches .
I burst into laughter. We're done wasting time Molly says let's go confront Kenzie of her being a wuss . Okay sounds fun to me Jess says summer stay away from Nate and Cody .
Addie says - Cody's her boyfriend and Nate's you're ex you have no control over people.
Jess says - yeah we will see you bitches around . Summer - I'm not threatened by you ! I'm definitely not going to stay away from my own boyfriend and Nathan . Suck it bitch .
Addie says wow you weren't joking about her but now she's got two puppy dogs to hurt .
More like just one I say . She's definitely not getting away with this , this meant war and I got a best friend now to help me out and maybe Bella could fly here to join us in war !!!
So welcome to Florida home of the psychopaths I say . Enjoying your vacation so far ?!!!
Addie smiled at me a evil smile- nope but I've got plans up my sleeve. Let's save Kenzie .
Summer nods in agreement- yeah they basically threatened her behind her back and I don't want her not to know about this . I hope she believes us Addie sighed poor thing .
My blood boiled over picturing them bullying her at her house . I'm over bullying !!!!!! .

The perfect Summer Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang