Chapter 19

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3RD Person's POV

Morning came and sunrays made its way to an opened window of the sleeping princess' chamber causing her to be awoken. She rubbed her eyes softly trying to remove the sleepiness. Upon hearing the fuss outside, she abruptly stood up and headed to the window. As soon as she saw the cause of the disturbance on the deck, she immediately cleaned herself and got ready.

On the other hand, the Blood Moon Pirates were occupied in preparing to depart. Barrels and boxes were loaded in the ship one by one. Soon enough the royals arrived along with their advisor, already prepared for their journey back home.

Upon seeing the presence of the royals, Tsuki signaled her crew to prepare to depart as they lowered the sails and raised the anchor. Some pirates bid their farewells to their lady, friends and their visitors acknowledged as the royals. The ship exited out of the gates of the coven and headed to the vast sea. The sea breeze touches their skin and brought joy to their hearts.

"I will surely miss this coven; would you agree with me onii-sama" Gin asks his cousin staring at the coven where they had just departed from.

"yes, maybe I will" Kurapika replied pausing for a moment before asking. "Are you alright Gin?"

"I am, last night's events made me feel happier, maybe much better than staying inside the palace just seeing servants come and go every day." Gin replied and has a smile on her face and the blonde prince was glad to hear it. "Don't you have any matter to discuss with Tsuki-san? You seem to get along very well. You might as well be friends."

"Tsuki-san?" Shock to hear the first name of the captain. "You think so?" The blonde prince asks as both of them glancing at the captain behind the wheel.

"Go talk to her. She is kind and a responsible lady, maybe even better than your fiancé. I do not mean to disrespect you onii-chan but she has an unpleasant character just like her father and she could cause a bad influence to you." Gin stated looking at her cousin.

"Neon is indeed how you describe her, but there is something much more about her than you know."

"So, you're protecting her now?"

"You do not understand, I have to do this. It is my duty as a future king to be wed to a royal blood princess." The prince paused and sighed. "I do not wish to talk about this at the moment." Kurapika muttered and left.

Gin sighed disappointed to her cousin for she knows that there is a deeper motive for the arrange marriage that was yet to be revealed. She has been waiting for his cousin to tell her but Kurapika doesn't have any intent in doing so anytime soon or perhaps the blonde prince doesn't know anything about it. The princess's plan on stopping his cousin's marriage seems to crumble as the day of the wedding is inching closer little by little.

"You shouldn't have said that to him Gin, Kurapika's troubled enough as it is" Gon stated who seemed to overheard the conversation beforehand.

"What I have said is the truth, Princess Neon has been nasty to the servants. The way she acts towards them is enough evidence for us." Gin retorted

"Maybe you just need to get to know her better" Her brother said.

"I already know her enough"

"Do you really? Listen Gin, this is Kurapika's life we are interfering. Do you not think that we had interfered enough?" His brother's words stayed on her head resulting for her to sigh. "Whatever you are scheming, be responsible for the consequences or better, stop it before something terrible happens especially to you. Gin I don't want anything dangerous to happen to you again." Gin didn't reply as she kept her thoughts to herself.

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