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The winter winds were supposed to be the only thing to keep my memory from wandering to you. Even now, I can still feel your warm breath brushing against my neck, warming my insides like a heater. But you're gone now, along with the memory that was supposed to be long gone by now but still lingers within me.

I can't control these feelings no matter how hard I tried pushing the thoughts of our bodies that were once connected together. I guess the saying is true, 'all good things must come to an end.' My life was ending before my eyes; before I even knew it, you were gone.

Here I am, memories flashing through my mind like I'm watching a movie in a theater, and I got the front-row seat. I can see things clearly now; you left me without a goodbye, didn't you? I used to wonder why, but that's all in the past now, and so are you. My memory of that moment may stick to me tighter than glue, but I will get over this somehow. The cool, sharp winter breeze scrapes my skin like I had just reopened a wound from when I was a child who fell off her bike years ago. But then I learned my lesson, and now I keep facing the same reality, hitting me in my face nonstop. Life keeps dragging me back to you like I'm a ragdoll meant to be played with and thrown away. But this is my life, not yours; you made this choice as you walked away without saying a word. I'm not letting my life take over me; I'll enjoy it while it lasts, even if it drags me back into your arms only to suffocate me in the end. I will find a way around this somehow, and when I do, mark my words, 'revenge will be the only memory you will receive.'

"Master, we're here now. What do you plan to do now?"

"Well, since we're in the middle of nowhere, why not train to get stronger? Who knows, we might need it as time goes on."

"Yes, master is right; we must train! You learned this in most books you have read. Close your eyes and focus on the sounds around you. Then open your eyes, and you will see the colors of your elements you must collect and put in your mana pool, but be careful not to fill your mana pool up too high; it could burst and leave external damage to you."

"Ah, that makes sense. Thanks for the information." I closed my eyes, following what the melody said and listened to the sounds around me. I heard the bustling of the wind, snapping twigs as rabbits stepped on them. I opened my eyes, seeing many colors around me—blue, red, gold, black, etc. I picked blue to come inside my body, then a red crimson color followed by gold and black. The rest, however, couldn't accept this and all surrounded my body, begging my aura to let them in. My mana pool was then visible only to my eyes. Words appeared saying 'infinite' instead of showing my shocked expression; I just smirked as I accepted every last color inside my body.

"System Melody, I'm ready to train." So we began training, me attacking animals that tried to kill me while the system cooked the meat and placed the rest of the supplies in a space ring it found lying in the middle of the forest.

While we defeated the animals and monsters, we got coins where we could go into a nearby town and sell them to the shop for real money. And my level goes up; I'm now spirit level ten.

As we went into town to sell the coins in the space ring System Melody made me wear as a necklace tattoo on my neck (magic tattoo can revert back into the item), I heard the townspeople chatting about the emperor's son visiting.

I ignored them, and once I got my money, I walked into a weapon shop. I finally saved enough money to buy my very first weapon in this world.

"What is a girl doing in my shop? And a hybrid at that, get outta here!" The shopkeeper says, throwing a dagger at me, but I dodged it.

"Sir, I'm a customer here to buy a weapon. Why treat me like a monster?" I asked while tilting my head.

"Close your eyes, don't look at her! When a hybrid does that, they mind manipulating you!" The shopkeeper warns.

What is this old man talking about? Ah, whatever, this is getting annoying; System, freeze time for me while I put money on the counter and grab a sword I like. When I'm done and leave the shop, erase their memory and replace it with a cloaked person buying a sword for a good price.

"Yes, master! (Master sure is smart.)"

I picked out a normal sword with a wired handle that looks like it's a serpent and placed it in my space ring. Walking out of the store, I bumped into a wall.

"Who puts a wall in front of a door! How rude! When I come back, I'll complain to the shopkeeper about th-" I hear a guy's voice that sounds gentle say.

I fix my hoodie, hiding my wolf ears. Yes, I have wolf ears. Sorry I didn't mention it before; I thought you would figure it out since the shopkeeper yelled it out. (Hybrid) What a killjoy, am I right?

"Jasmine. And no, it's my fault. Now, if you'll excuse me," I say as I sidestep to get out of his way so he can go into the shop while I can exit.
"Jasmine, what a beautiful name," I hear him whisper under his breath.

He goes into the shop while I run out and head deep inside the woods.

Taking out my long swords, I say, "Hey, System Melody, let's try this thing out, shall we?o get out of his way so he can go into the shop while I can exit.
"Jasmine, what a beautiful name," I hear him whisper under his breath.

He goes into the shop while I run out and head deep inside the woods.

Taking out my long swords, I say, "Hey, System Melody, let's try this thing out, shall we?"

This is what Jasmine looks like, but there are no chains on her in this part of the story. Plus, she is wearing a cloak over her body and a hoodie on her head, covering her ears. The only thing you can see now is her eyes.

I train with the sword, but then all of a sudden, a white snake comes slithering out of the sword, looking me in the eyes.

"Hiss and who might you be wielding me? I am the Guardian of this sword."
"Hello, Guardian. My name is Jasmine. I didn't know you were guarding a sword such as this. It's quite the beauty, like you."

"Oh, wow! I do like you, girl! From now on, you will be my master! I sense a powerful aura around you. You will become better than any of the gods or goddesses. I will allow you to use me as you wish, Master Jasmine."

"Thank you. It's an honor to wield a beauty such as yourself. Please accept my humble gratitude," I say.

Then the Guardian slithers onto my wrist that I use to wield the sword and glows a bright white.

"Master has gained a new power called Poison Blade," System Melody says in my mind.

And so, I train more and decide to create my own guild. But first, I must use the money I have earned to join a school and learn more about my capabilities and skills, thus I can become an amazing guild master.

Oh yeah, System Melody, I almost forgot, but what is my main mission?
"Make the crown prince fall for you," which has been completed. You now have 250 points, but that can still be deducted if you don't complete your other missions, which are: saving the village's life and attracting the captured targets to someone else other than the intended harion.

Mel, who is the harion and the captured targets, please explain the storyline in detail as much as possible.

Three, two, one...

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