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Many things I couldn't stop believing were why I was not good enough for him. He left me here standing in a pool of my own tears, her once caring for me no longer evident. But it turns out he wanted more than just my parents to hurt me and cause my death. He wanted me to suffer what he felt in the past. He walked away from me with another man and said one last thing to me.

"Pools of tears won't mend the wound, just worsen it," he said. He is right about that. My tears will not heal my wounds; they will only worsen as time goes on. Could he see through me all along? My lies of loving him when all I wanted was to feel his love towards me, only to realize now our love was not mutual?

I forgive him for walking away from me and finding his own happiness. But I guess in the end I will be tormented by my family again. When will this end? When will I find my true happiness?

I secretly write songs in my school library, locked away in this dark room meant to study useless things I will never need in life.

One day, as I sang my song, I thought I finally could find peace until a bullet was shot through my heart. And to my surprise, who shot the bullet was none other than my true love that broke me years ago before I had met the guy who left me because he was gay.

His name is San Diego; he was my former instructor for music class. He said I had a talented mind and soul and wanted to be my manager for a singing career, but once he found out I was deaf, he left me.

I thought he really loved me, but instead, he just used me in the end. I had nothing but this wound in my chest that is leading me to my death. This is not what I wanted; what I asked for was peace. I wanted my soul to heal and to find my true happiness, not to fade into nothingness, not singing my songs in public, hearing their cheers, and wanting to hear more.

But this is the end, huh? I'll fade like I never existed, no one to remember me?

No, silly, that won't happen! I'm here to help your heart and soul heal! The name's System Melody, but you can call me whatever you want. After all, you are my master. Anyway, master, I'm here to help your heart heal by sending you to other worlds, helping other souls heal while healing yours. Does it make sense? Sure it does!

Huh, who said that? And how am I still thinking? Aren't I supposed to be dead? Hey, System Melody, if this is really true, where is the void most reincarnated people talk about in stories? Why am I flying so high up in the sky?

Oh, silly master, you know such things about being reincarnated. Your consciousness created places like these. And plus, didn't I say to name me whatever you wanted? Why call me System Melody?

Well, thanks, umm Y/n, but umm, why am I being reincarnated to places when my soul isn't healed?

Well, that's an easy question to answer. Master's soul is being reincarnated with memory intact to other worlds, but in your world, you call them otome games. Your soul will heal by helping others. Isn't that simple?

Maybe so. So, how does this system thing work?

Finally, a good question to answer! The more points you get for completing missions, the more skills you learn! The more skills you learn, help you on your journey in finding the one! Oh yeah, and one more thing, be careful; all people have their own game to play, which means there might be more people like you in the world, okay?

Ok, that makes sense. So are we going already to the new world or not? I'm assuming you're coming with me?

Yep, yep, master is correct. We will be arriving in three... two... one...

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