And That's when I knew I ~

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Bumping into the school nurse who I thought was my friend from before. I weeps into her shoulder as I remember what happened to me way back when I was younger when mom was still alive.

   Then I realized to late at the time I was weeping in a guys arms. How more embarrassing can this day get?

  The more I thought of things the more questions just sink deeper into my brain drowning me further into the pits of dispear

  "Uhh. What are you doing young miss" the nurse of a guys voice said
  "Oh sorry . I thought you were someone else, I'll be on my way then" I say turning my back to him wiping my tears off my injured body.

  How I got injured well I sprained my ancle on the way here ok. Why I didn't tell you is because it's embarrassing . Like who would tell there most embarrassing moments? Well hey don't get mad at me ok cuz now you know.

  Wait who am I talking to anyway? Maybe my self concise? I'dk.

  When I wad in the middle of walking out he as in the Mr. Nurse dude grabbed a hold of my rist and in a wired none attractive husky voice  (I lied it's totally aractive ) He said.

  "Please don't go I Uhh. .I got to heal your injury! " I blushed realizing I was injured this whole intire time and this complete unatactive starager is seeing me in such a state. (He is totally attractive)

  "O-oh don't worry about it it's nothing" I said embarrassed
"It's my Job to take care of injured student so I do worry. By the way how did you get this injury? " He asked looking at my Bair leg that is now placed on his lap. He set me down on a chair while he is doing this...

  "Umm- I fell" I lied ok I didn't fall on purpose ok! I know how to walk I'm no totaler! The real truth is there was a banana peal on the floor and I was going to step over it but.. someone shoved me and my body moved a few steps forward cuz of the impact and I sipped over the banana peal... so yeah that's how I fell ok, nothing special nothing to halerouse ok it was totaly funny the other will make a chap explain why if she remembers. Wait now why am I saying this is a book and there is an author! ? How odd.

  "Really? These don't look like they were done by accident"

"W-well they are!" I said and shoved his hands off my leg be of the tingle feeling he gave my leg.

  If I wasn't already red already I would tell you my face looks like a tomato but nope... it looks just like I pail white cloud. Yeah so what that's what happens when I blush cuz did body is weak asf!

  This is so boring I'm bored just hurry up and cure me already doc. And yeah so what if I call him doc even though he is a nurse. He is best represent as a doc!

  "Are you done doc. I need to get home now" I asked quite

"O-oh yeah I'm done now. You may leave" *he was staring at her the whole time she was spacing out like she usually does*

   So yeah I went home the journey was tournament because I found out I do have a roommate and her name is Jennings and she is super mean! She put all her clouths on my bed like it was a closet. So all her stuff was on my end while her side is clean! She even yelled at me for stepping into her domain!  I was just going to the bathroom! Yes there is a bathroom in our dorm room so why can't I use it! This bitch!

   So I walked out of the dorm room and leaned against the door. More like I got thrown out!

  Desiding not to weep around I went to go visit the back of the school I Hurd there is a garden full of mornings dew flowers. And of course night flowers.

  As I arived I sat on a patch of green grass in font of the flowers and then began to sing I song o wrote from this person's past memory before I took over when she died and this world was on a recet as I took over.

   Don't pretend everything is alright I have died a thousand times in the end. Crying in fear for my life as watch myself bleed out in pain. Wanting to give in give up this pain.  Don't forget me, and what you have done. You hurt me more them hell could burn flames. Don't forget the words the words you said that night under moonlight.  You promised me we were lovers and first sight. Now you give in to plesures and I can't see thinks straight.  You are in love wither now don't come crying back to me I've seen heard enough falling deeper in the pits hell is where you suppose to be no one will save you now buts the slut that you spelt with.  Don't come running crying to me baby you seen the last me ad we never said our goodbyes of greed. I don't love you the way you loved me I seen you in another way bit you crushed me and once of what I belived. Falling no more I'll said np more, crying I shall not you have not seen the last of me, hell is all you'll see. Pain is what I had felt that night the plesure wad not in my hands. Under the midnight sky your words were never spoken clearly in my eyes. Forgotten of that night was supposed to be remembered but now we've both fallen somewhere else. Don't come chasing after me the words I say as unspoken finaly I can cry forgot this pain a long time ago is hard bit it's forgotten I don't need you. Maybe that's I keep thinking bit maybe it's an exuse to not chase after you and save you and the pain that Flys back. It's stills hurt from that night I still remember that midlight sky moonlit clouds floating by, like the chirping of birds singing a song that I thought we were ment to be. 

  There are spelling errors in this song but note I sang it clearly with out any mistakes and it was magestic.

    Little did she know some guys were watching her sing...
  She was glowing in the moonlight the flowers glowing magestic outlining her beautiful and all. They were completely intransigencing by it...

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