The Battle

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After the night was over and I had stopped feeling sorrow and pity from the memory within me. I deside to go for a walk in the morning, when all of a sudden a voice apears in my head. Not from my katana wepon or system melody but different.

   Hello there young one, you seem to be younger then usual for you to be in high school student.

Ha who had that idea of having you in this school even if you are smart. There just letting you get bullyed, I seen how that girl treated you. I can help you if you want! Or I can just kill her *evel laughing *

  Just kidding your to young to see blood shed on your hands. I don't want my soon to be master to be tarnished now do I?

    Umm who are you?

   Your knew best friend darling!

   Oh cool. Just don't do anything stupid with my body sence you can oveously take over. Don't get me injured ok! I'll be real mad at you and kick your ass in my minds eye and you will be more then sorry!.

   Haha man I like you young one! Of course I wount get you injured after all you are the host for my body!♡ now then all you have to do is call on my name if you need me♡ see you in your dreams by~

   OK that was just wired. Oh well better get to class before it starts don't want to be late or meet that bitch!

   After classes ended I went into town for its festival.

  I was oveously alone when all of a sudden I hear a scream coming from the ally way.

  I ran as fast as I could but by the time I got there there was a knife to my throat and I see pools of blood infront of me. And the corps of the bitch I didn't like. Even if I don't like her she still didn't deserve this. Who could have done this to her? She probably has lots of people who want to kill her with her temper and all.

  Shit! How am I supposed to get this life away from my neck no moves I have can top this guy for some reason!  Whoever he is is skilled.

  I guess I have no choice but to call my new friend to help me. Hopefully my new friend follows my rules well.



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