Not Alone

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  "Hey I've been meaning to ask you this but um, why do you have a tail?" I asked

  "No reason really I got cat ears to see" he says bowing his head to look at the invesible floor and I could clearly see his cat ears.

I couldn't help myself but reach out for them and touch them. I could hear him purring from my touch so I quickly pulled my hand back confused of what's happening to him.

His head looked up at me I could see his long black tail swaing eagerly for me to pet him some more. His eye glowed cat like making me panic in the inside.

  Ok this is getting boring so I'll stop here.

  What happened next is an understament and quit funny actually you can laugh at the author for not completing this part but the author wouldn't mind because the author is to busy being emotional about the whole insadent with her father issues..

Ok sorry that was a lie~maybe

*cough* anyway please continue

  The underworld huh?

  It's dark kinda scary and I don't seem to see any walls and im not sure how I'm standing when I can't even feel or see a ground beneath me.

  "MY names Shiro!" Says the cat man who's name he just randomly blurted out.

  "I am now your pet and guardian /pretector so do you know the true reason why you came here to another deminshion where you ment me in"

  "I've been wondering the same things. I thought if I got stronger and more knowledgeable I'd find my way back home and.. I dunno.." I said staring at my smalls hands.

"Well I can tell you one things for sure! You came to this dimension to heal and find your true path! And also take down that evil viln in disquise " says Shiro.

  "Alright I understand.. so umm can you take me out of this void now please " I asked kindly for like the first time in forever.

  I kinda feel relaxed and comport around Shiro it's like I could truly trust him without worrying but I know I should keep my eye on him just I'm case.

(Can't trust anyone)

No one)

  (All alone  )


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