Saving A Life

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As I wake up in the woods I here the birds Cherping the leaves on the trees swaying. I feel the warm wind brush against my skin, the soft green grass beneath me, and the hot sun shinning over my body.

Getting off the ground standing up and brushing the dust of my clothes I walk back to the school to meat the headmaster.

"Sorry I'm late headmaster I came across a stray cat on my path and desided to change my path and take care of the stray. I say with a kind smile. I'm not lying readers on my way here I came across a stray can't and decided to feed it proof is its next to me right now see see! Oh wait you a reader now a viewer I almost forgot.

"That's alright going , now that your hear please place your hand on this mana ball. It will tell you how much mana you have and can store. Then when done place your hand on the element ball"

I followed what he said in a swift motatio. However I only had put not even half my finger on the mana ball and it exploded. Then I was about to put my hand on the element ball but before I could it already blue up like a ticking tike bomb. The headmaster just smerks at me with his sly smile.

"You will be in A+++ class"

He says as he sheew me out of his office. I walk the emtey halls as my skedual teleported in my hands.

Ok so If I make a left here,then another,left, and then a right I will make it to my next class.

As I make the next left I bumb into another wall. Man what is with these evil walls! I curisly look up and see a handsome blonde standing over me.

He looks like the guy on my dreams when we fought that evil oar together huh how wired. I bow in apoliges but he puts his muscualen hand on my shoulder.

"Umm. What are you doing?" I ask palitly not realizing I had tilted my head in confusion. Oh grate another habit created what is the world doing to me!?

"Are you-" he says but he gets cut off my a solder.
"Ser we must head back to the front gates the school is under attack!"
"Alright I'm on my way!" The blonde guy says and with a swish of his cape he is gone.

In class I site at the back minding my own bissness reading a book I had gotten from the book store before I came here.

I went to the library to do some research on magic skills and wepon skills. Anyway I'm currently reading when some baka took my book out of my hand.

"Young miss I suggest you listen to class instead of reading a none educational book" the teacher said. That made me mad how dare she call my favorite authors book none educational!

"Miss teacher I have you know this book is very educational and taught me alot. It's better then listing to your unreasonable teaching. Now that you took my book and made me mad by disrespecting me just because of my background i will here by clam never return to your class again" I say angered taking my book out of her hand and teleported out of the class room onto my favorite tree.

That muscline guy reminds me of the song I wrote for that guy who had saved me a year ago. His handsome strong dimear kind heart. But I never got to see him after that I wounder how he is doing.

I look around first making sure no one is around and then I begin to open my mouth to sing. But little did I know my singing Gave me the skills of saving a life.

Don't fall for him they keep telling me. Don't hurt yourself by some one who is already broken. Take a fixed person and love him he is ment for you not the other. They say to me, but not once have I belived you were broken like me. Your smile was like a blazing fire that flamed my heart like ashes that were revived. You saw right through me with thoughs beautiful mystic blue eyes of yours. You torn right through me with the hands of a gods. So muculine, beautiful and mine. But they didn't want us together there word split like a sharp knife in my heart. The words of needles as they talk about you to my face breaking me as they say you are nothing but scraps from the streets, a cold blooded murder sent to kill me. I don't believe a single word they say but it still hurts me seeing the scar wounded body that once pretected from the world in a different view but now that we're together I feel you differently. The words they say to me don't matter the only thing that matters to me now and forever Is you. Not wanting to let you go being in your embrace with the strong arms of a pretector and my lover. I don't want to lose you so if it comes down to death for us I'd gladly accept it with a blides eye even if you don't love me the same. But don't lead me on or I will really feel a conection and you might really hurt me. Your lies shot through me like a bullet however I know there nothing more then lies. Don't let them break us apart we are here now together embraced by each other's love. We were givens a curse and a blessing but instead of thinking the curse as it is why not consider it as a gift from god. Your here now the more we fight the stronger we get and nothing can get In- between or passionate love. This isn't me it was never me for I was never here but that's ok because I am here and this love is ment to be real. I'm not perfect no one is bit this is what was ment from the start nothing is said or done just one last thing as our life faids with each other's soul. Will our next life me better? We will be lovers again? And will I ever see you again?
I will never forget you and the emotions you have made me feel. My memory might fade but the feeling is not mutual. At least I think it is. What do you think of this senpai?

Mean while the third prince pov)

I hear a voice in the wind as I'm fighting again I giant tiger. It almost made its claws rip open my chest but I'm backed up in time and made it with just a scratch *just a scratch please he made it out with a deep wound to his stumick!* I cut off its claw but it's teeth bared itself into my leg.

I'm going to die from a loss of blood but then all of a sudden the words In the wind become clear. It's soft melody voice singing in harmony with the wind. This beautiful voice sounds like a girl with its soft pure sound waves.

The lirics reminds me of the time in the woods when I saved a girl who was parilized to the ground because of a oar. But I remembered her soft purple hair and glowing eyes. And her sword man ship skills helping me defeat the beast. She blocked it's attack even though she was badly wounded.

This pumps me up! I can feel the adrenaline running through my veins! With a swoop of my sword the tigger on top of me dies along with its dusted corps.

My necklace glows towords the back of the school and the coin from the beast teleported away from me towards the back.

I followed the coin to the back of the school to see the same beautiful girl I saw back then sitting on a high branch of a sakaera tree. But this time I don't see the hybrid wolf ears she had. She looks human to me.

Then she disappeared into thin air as she finisher the last lirics with a beautiful sigh.

"Who is she?" I say aloud looking up at the blue sky that was once clouded but now I can see clearly.

Is she my soul mate?

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