Spotted By A Hidden Target

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No more tears will be shed now that I'm alone I know I can live freely.

   I'm know in the woods again practicing my skills for weapons. The book for my favorite author Levi Rain that I read in class inspired me to create my own way of wielding a sword and using it as a vessel for my magic.

   I haven't finished reading the book however I'm eager to get started. Changing my attacking formation, then lung my sword low to the amdimen and then dodge attacks and push the other sword welders sword out of there hand and bamb there dead. I did all that while imagine that there was a enemy infront of me.

   It felt like I was dancing while fighting the wind. While I was doing this I did not realize while it looked like I was dancing a had sliced a buch with nothing but air.

    H-host I forgot to mention this before but you have now gained to skills. One of them is the voice if healing, and the other is the dance if the wind which is the sword dance you just done

   Oh thats ok! Thanks for telling me now anyway :-)

  Sitting onto the tree branch from a tree I just climed I started reading the book again. While reading I learned that I could streathithin my sword and forge it into my own with a spell. Well I have to create the spell on my own sence the author of this book added 'it's a legal to give spell information the government might go in a uproar' oh did I not mention this is the one and only kind of copy the author had made. That's why my teacher called this book noncience which angered me because what does she know she never even read the book! And yet she is critizing not just the book but the author as well. What a Baka I tell you! "The author is more of a teacher then her!" I said fusteratingly.

    "Well thanks for the compliment young lady" said a guy voice walking out of the shadows. He has sliver hair and Crimson red eyes.

    Master that is the hidden capture target! He is the decented of the moonlight clan like the third prince. However this guy is no prince he is a knight and also know as your favorite author Levi Rain.  He is a singer/dancer/musician / mage/idiol and many more! Man this guy is skilled. Other details about him is cerintly unknown. Oh yeah and one more thing which is oveouse he is a vampire and when fighting his eyes glow a beautiful Crimson color.


   If I hadn't noticed already that he is a vampire now I do because I can see his reflection now in the moonlight sky. Wow it sure gets dark fast how wired. Anyway I can see what mil said about him is true. He looks like what system disribe but even handsome then the original captured targets. Still can't be compared to the handsome blonde guy I ment though but still.

   "Hm author is that you? How wired I was just thinking about your book and then you apeared. Maybe I have the magic of teleporting something to me that I'm pationate about" I say the last part I was thinking and then slapped my cheeks with both my hands making it look like my cheeks are red from the slap but are actually red from imbarasment.

  "Hm so your pationate about me haha. No no its not like that I was already in these wood's when I seen you practice your sword man ship skills. There quit good however your moves are sloppy and kinda weak"

  "Weak! How dare you! Do you know how long I've been working on my sword man ship skill! No so back off you topaz eyes! Hmph! I have you know I can beat you in a battle easily" I say glaring at him with my yandera death glare. Why yandera well it's not like I'm in love or pretect anyone. I'm just natural yandera insticks I guess.

  *chuckles* did he just laugh at me! I slap my ceeks again snapping Me out of my anger and daze. I was not glaring at him anymore as I jumped down the tree teleported right infront of him.

   Placing my hand on my dagger I threw it at him.

   "So I see you do know how to forge a wepon. What is this called?"

  "No your wrong I did not forge this it was always with me! And it's called a dagger!" Huh so this world never invented a dagger yet?

  "Dagger huh what a cool weapon!" He says picking up the wepon that landed infront of him examing it.

  "It's just a dagger dude. Nothing special. I can invent way better wepons like that example a katana or somthing" he then looks up at me with his topaz glimmering eyes with admiration.

  "Umm. What?" I asked with a head tilt. Aw not again!

  "Katana! What's that I want to see it!" He said with sparkle in his eye's. 

  "Hm it's simaler to my long sword but it's more katana like. I'll show it to you once I learn how to properly forge I wepon with magic"
  "I'll teach you!" He said exidently pulling my arm closer to him my face hits against his chest and we teleprted somewhere.

   'Where are we!?"


   (Hidden capture targets pov will be up next on next chapter get ready for romance XD

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