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Mom was the only one who ever loved me in the past. She would always sing sweet beautiful romance love songs in my ears as a baby and a child. I remember when i was growing up I wanted to be just like her if not even better.

  But because of me mom died, I hesitate on one thing I should have known never to do, and so mom took the punch for me shielding me from any injury that that dreadful thing could have caused me. She saved me but in the proses she was saying her last goodbyes. All I heard were soft mumbles in the wind as she fell on the ground her body piles like she was drained of blood. I'm sorry mom even now I still fell guilty of that moment I guess that's why I deserved to feel so much pain in the world after you left. Dad abandoned me I was so alone in the world until I ment my first ever lover but it turned out in the end I was only used by him and my second lover was more of a friend who is gay.

  Mom what would you do if you were here? You would probably laughed and make everything feel better, mom I really do miss you. I'm so sorry I let you down, and on top of that was given this second chance at life I don't deserve, I keep taking things for grated don't I? And how do I make it better? I want to change but I'm lost and afraid of what's to come next. Will this life be destroyed as well? I can't let that happen first I must save these lost souls with there regrets and then in return slowly heal myself. Thanks to a system called systems melody I do have a second chance at life I wounder if we will meet again.

  I can't believe I touched that stupid flower that was oveously a fake! However even if it was a look alike it came with good benifit too because it gave me some of my memory back and I read on a novel when I was younger when you get bits of memories back the more it benifit you in many ways.

  Thanks mom for everything you do for me, I love you and I really do miss you.

    What happened after the flower I can't remembered, after that Sean I was at an Academy system warned me about. I can't capture the targets of the other games hears or it might cause death flags. So what I must do is be a side character and try to find the right guy to fall inlove with this body.

   In the end its a magic school I was easly exepted to but I was warned I might get asasinated because resently alot of strong members were being killed by an unknown group called revenge or somthing.

    Anyway I'm tired and I have school to do tomorrow I wounded what it will be like? Welp I'll talk you tomorrow mom love you...

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