Chapter 44

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I pulled my hair into two space buns, placed my noise cancelling headphones on my head. Slugged my backpack, that was decorated with Taylor Swift pins, over my right shoulder and headed downstairs for school.

I'm still unable to talk, I can say a few words to my Mom in private, but that's about it.
Mom says it's progress, Arizona and Dr Michelle also agree with Mom that I'm making progress. But I feel like I'm a failure, not able to talk to my own family or friends.

It's my first day back at school since my overload, I don't even know how that's going to go. I really don't want to deal with the snarky comments from Kathy and her evil minions.

I know Tuck will be there and will be supporting me, but I'm still anxious on what could happen at school. Tuck has been helping me with catching up on assignments and homework, which is nice, but it's not like I understand the work any ways.

"Harper Maggie is dropping you off, I've got a surgery I'll see you after school" Mom said kissing my forehead as she rushed towards the front door.

"Okay Harps you ready for school?" Maggie asked as she grabbed her bag and car keys.
I shrugged my shoulders and twiddled with my thumbs anxiously.

"Hey if you're not ready yet it's okay, I'm sure your Mom would understand" Aunt Maggie said as she pulled me in for a hug.
"I want to go" I whispered, practically miming. Maggie nodded and she held my hand to the car.
Tuck rushed over to me as soon as he saw me at my locker.

"Hey gorgeous, how are you?" He asked with a smile pleased to see me. I simply shrugged my shoulders unsure how to answer, I didn't bring communication cards or anything, I didn't want people to catch onto the whole autism thing.

"Maybe you can text me we can communicate like that" Tuck said and I nodded.

We walked to class together, we had Math first with Mr Wright. Mr Wright is known as the strict Math teacher, he constantly shouts at students.

I sat down in the classroom, Mr Wright instantly locked eyes on me. I could feel him starting on me, he was about to say something I know it.

"Harper Shepherd take off those headphones Right Now!" He said slightly raising his voice, folding his arms with a stern and strict facial expression.

I couldn't take them off they were an accommodation, I ignored the instruction.
"HARPER SHEPHERD!" He shouted which made me flinch.
"DEFIANCE! Go to the Principles office right now, I do not care about what excuse you have whether it be your autism, ADHD or what ever disease you have, GET TO THE PRINCIPALS OFFICE!" He yelled.

I couldn't believe what he just said, the class was staring at me, he told the whole class I was fucking autistic. I couldn't cry I had to keep it together, even though I felt a melt down coming on the rage building up inside me.

I pushed the teacher down in anger, I didn't mean to but that was enough for the teacher to boil with even more rage.

He snatched the headphones off my head, he stomped on them. I could hear the laughs and the snarky comments from other students.

"GET OUT OF THE CLASSROOM" He yelled, my ears burned, my thoughts racing. I needed to get out of here, I needed to run.
My headphones were smashed, everything was so loud.

As I ran through the corridors I could hear the slamming of lockers, bang bang bang. My head pounded, I flinched at the noises of the lockers shutting.

The bell rang the loud noise startled me as the endless amount of teenagers rushed out of the classrooms.

Herds of teenagers running towards me, I felt like a small rabbit being hunted by groups of wild animals.

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