Holy Shizcicles Guys

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Okay so first things first I'm going to Europe this Monday's I'm totally extremely excited as heck!!!
Second things second, a friend introduced the term "sapiosexual" to me. Now, this means that whoever is sapiosexual is attracted to intelligence. I am most definitely attracted to intelligence. But among other things so I don't think I count. I'm normal.
Yeah sure Natalie, keep telling yourself that.
Oh seriously? Is now the time?
Hey, it's all in your head remember. This conversation was over before you even finished typing "normal".
Wow go away and never come back.
Sorry, if I did, you'd be a vegetable.
Would I be a pretty vegetable? :3
No. A petty one maybe -_- but not pretty, definitely not pretty.
Illiterate ass.
OMG how mean....
Um, still you love.

OkaYyyyyyy confusing mind you suck and I got distracted from what was saying and yogurt soup.


Okay so um I have 438 views on this book already and that is just mind blowing. Like seriously I remember when I had 99 views and I was like oh my goodness that's crazy.... But I just noticed it and I can't even fathom how people have read all that! 4 views on my last chapter and I'm sitting here like how did you make it that far??? You actually read ALL of that crazy weird crap in my brain and stuck to it??? I commend you and applaud you and hug you four for doing that. I will be eternally grateful for your dedication and support.

Also, I'm working on a new book called The Obsidian Wood. It began with the help of my dear buddy Suits ^_^ he's weirdly awesome haha follow him and annoy him for me okay? ^_~ TylerHanson8 Anywayyyy I am going to try and make it into an interactive story so you can eventually choose the ending and some aspects within the story. Go check it out and remember to vote when you read! It makes me so very extremely happy seeing the little star count go up. I'm serious. If I entertain you or actually if I make you feel anything then I deserve a star for that! Like if a street performer makes you stop, you definitely owe them a dollar or two. Or ten.

Also, I read the book Paper Towns by John Green and I absolutely loved it so in tribute to Margo Roth Spiegelman I will randomly capitalize in the future of this book.

all Words deserve some Sort of recognition For being What we Use for communicating.


Well, that's all for now my lovely (^^ see it?) chickies!!!!!!!! I'm dearly indebted to all of you faithful few :) thank you and have a good night/day/afternoon/eternity.

Forever and always yours, Momma Duck

Aka 👓👧🏼

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