What I Think I Want In A Guy

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So guys know that girls are complicated creatures... Or well, they should by now -_-
Anyway. Complicated Creatures. As CC's we tend to look for different things in guys. I'm not gonna say that every girl wants a guy like this because to each his/her own yah?

My "Mr. Perfect"
He'd have to be taller than me by a good three or four inches.... Or five or six.... Because I love highs heels and I want to wear them and still have to look up to kiss him... I mean talk to him..... Lol nope I meant what I said the 1st time, that wasn't a Freudian Slip at all :3
[MY LEG ITCHES SO BAD RIGHT NOW....................... Hey look up Every Time We Touch by Nightcore. I'm listening to it right now. It's bomb. *head bangs violently* *falls off bed like idiot after becoming dizzy from head banging....*]
He would have to be smarter than me. And I know I'm smart (^^^ riiiight Natalie) sooooo yeah.... Good luck male race.... ;)
He needs to absolutely have every respect for boundaries and particularly religion. In the first sense I mean he can't suddenly decide a goodbye kiss wasn't enough. It's my choice. Always. ALWAYS. GOT THAT DUDES EVERYWHERE. ITS ALWAYS HER CHOICE. BE A GENTLEMAN AND GIVE HER THE CHOICE. And ladies the rule applies when you're the one who wishes for more. When someone says stop you stop no matter what. Anyway, dudes. You get brownie points for caring about her thoughts. If she asks you if you want to go upstairs and see her etchings then by all means, go screw the lass but otherwise no. (Look up old talk when people asked if you wanted to see their sketches upstairs it was a covert way to say "wanna bang?"). Anyway dudes. Unless she offers and consents completely and preferably is your wife, sit your butt down in that car/taxi/monster truck and get out of there. Buh bye baby! It may just get you another date. Trust us.
ME, YOU CRAZY--- okay no more of that....
I so sowwy babies...

Yep. Insane...

He needs to accept my weirdness as a part of me that will never leave and can't be cured!
He has to be a Christian who is devoted to keeping our principles in place to the day we walk down the wedding isle together. And beyond don't mistake me.
I have a purity ring for a reason. Aka, abstinence ring. Means NO TROUSERS COME OFF IN MY HOUSE UNLESS YOURE POOPING. Which is a euphemism for no sex honey baby. Sorry not sorry. Meh.
How long is this?
Idk why you askin' me punk?.
EXCUSE ME WHATTTT?!?!?!??!?!?!!
Lol jk
Um no. Get out.
Dude I'm you.
Ummmm weird........
Kay yeah anyway......

He'd have to have a passion for music like me. Actually that's just a preference but I would really love it if I had someone I could fangirl about over music and lyrics and artists n stuffs.
He would have to give me lots of beautiful warm heartfelt hugs. I'm like a feline. (Except for the common house cat). They need physical contact or they get depressed. That's me. Perfectly. I also hate taking showers and hate being picked up. Crazy. I also like sitting in random spots like cats tend to pop up in weird spots.


See? Stuff like that wouldn't scare him off. They'd only make him smile, shake his head, and hug me :)
No drugs/alcohol. Just no. He'd also have to be strong enough to tell me no. Not a lot of people do. Or rather hey try and I end up winning. It's stupid. Someone grow a backbone please! I can handle it!! Or maybe I can't because I'm not used to it! I guess i'll NEVER KNOW..... 😠 <<<------- challenge face

LONG MUCH... We'll see ya next chapter chickies!! Momma Duck wuvs you!!!!!!!!!

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