10:56pm -All Hallow's Eve

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Short scary story for my chickies!!!!!
The wind screeched outside Jenna's window, making her flinch and cover her ears, as she dove under her dining room table. The clouds rumbled angrily and lightning lit up her house like a football stadium.

The storm shook the foundations of the old house her grandmother had left in Jenna's care when her daughter and Jenna's mother had died.

The manor was decaying in some parts and completely destroyed altogether in other, the windows empty of even shards glass and the remaining walls covered in graffiti or ivy.

What had once been the backyard was now overgrown with weeds and wild flowers filling every bare patch of dirt that stretched 63 acres long and 48 acres wide.

The old woman had made sure to keep herself away from any wandering eyes and town gossip by becoming a recluse in the middle of the empty plot.

The place had the air of an old plantation but it was simply impossible to see past the grimness of the current state to imagine it in pristine condition.

The shutters banged loosely against the window frames and Jenna whimpered as a cold draft pushed through the cracks of the floors and doors to chill her damp clothes.

She began to cry as her clothing crackled and her nose dripped onto her skirt. She thought about Henry and how she had stormed out of the house in frustration without telling him where she was going.

She cried as she remembered her grandmother and the old songs she used to sing to her before bed. She began to hum the tune she had sung to her during these kinds of storms.

The melody was quiet and slow, made of soft progressions and a steady tempo that rose as she changed into the chorus. The chorus intensified dramatically, the rising harmonies suddenly soaring.

And then the winds followed.

Jenna continued humming her grandmother's tune as she rocked back and forth under the oak dining room table. The house creaked and swayed with the notes, the lightning accenting her words.

As she sang the lines that calmed her so easily as a child she closed her eyes and thought of her grandmother's gravelly voice coaxing her back to a dreamless slumber.

"Hush now, child of mine, you have naught to fear.
Apple of my eye, listen, my voice you shall hear.
My jewel from the sea, be calm, not another tear.
My dearest starlight, close your eyes, sleep is surely near."

Jenna opened her eyes and there was nothing. No wind screaming into her ear, no painfully sharp breeze freezing the water in her clothes. She stood up from under the table and wrinkled her eyebrows.

Her grandmother stood before here as young as she had been when Jenna was a child, her eyes slightly wrinkled in the corners and her hair a beautiful auburn, shining in the light of a mid-afternoon sun.

Jenna tried to speak but no sound would come out of her mouth. Her grandmother smiled at her and held out her hand, palm up. In her hand was a small charm of obsidian. It had an intricate carving of lightning etched into its surface.

Jenna knew that this is why she had wanted she needed to visit the house this weekend. The storm was to have no equal for another year and by then her grandmother's spirit would've been weak.

Jenna took the stone and looked back up to her grandmother to ask what it was but she was back in the storm still soundless. She heard her grandmother's voice whisper, "just think of me," and fade away...

So when the sound came rushing back to Jenna all at nice, she was prepRed for it and stood up defiantly, daring to face such a storm. She held the deck between her fingers and pressed hard on it, thinking of her grandmother's face and memorizing every feature.

The wind screeched into the house, the front door blowing open as a black mass came hurtling towards her, consuming what little light the house had left. 3

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