Umm... Wow you guys

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I keep seeing the little views number go up and right now it's 488. I checked it like an hour ago and it was 446..... GUYS THIS IS AMAZING.

I'm gonna be famoose! But I think it's important I keep doing what I've been doing and not focus on how many reads or votes I get because I do this to entertain and get my head cleared by putting my madness into words. So thanks for everything my darlings and keep up! I

I swear, I need to write longer installments but it's had when you're lazy like me and find it unreasonably difficult to focus long enough to write more than a few paragraphs regarding your daily life.

So oh my goodness I'm leaving to London is less than 24 hours SO IF ANY OF MY FOLLOWERS ARE GOING TO BE IN LONDON OR ARE IN LONDON ANY OR ALL OF NEXT WEEK I WOULD TOTALLY LOVE IT. But I think it'd be weird to meet my followers cuz like I'm not famoose and it might be creepyish and to be real, there's no point really. But hey, if you're from the area tell me good places to go and I also want to bring souvenirs home that aren't typical but something I can't get anywhere else. And help me not look like a tourist guys.... I don't want to look like a dummy in public like that ._.

Well at least I don't wear a fanny pack XDDDD

SO IVE BEEN oops sorry caps lock lol so anyway I've been updating. Ore than usual recently because I feel like I won't be on much during my trip. I mean I'll have time off and probably wifi during then but I don't KNOW that I will... Ya get me? I hope so. Not many people do.

Okay heartfelt fact time.

I'm one of those people that is really good at hiding things from other people. Like when I'm hurt or when I'm doing things I shouldn't Cx or when I'm actually super excited but the people around me aren't. Or when I want to cry. Or when I'm jealous. I just shove it way deeeep down and try to move on. But it's there. And I feel it always. Also, I love it when people argue. With me. Reasonably. I mean I don't like arguing with idiots because they bring me down to their level then beat me with experience. (Shoutout to @shelbsters15 for one of her character saying that in Nerd Romance).
Anyway, discussions with intelligent people who believe in something passionately are the best conversations. I love hearing unmovable opinions. If they're backed up legitimately.

Okay so I can't put pics on my chapters right now and I have no idea why but hey something else random, did I ever tell you guys about Derk Shnoop?
I didn't? Well okay!!!!!

So there was this kid my sophomore year in high school and he had a twin. There's names will be changed on here so they don't get stalked and or kidnapped cuz they're amazing folk :)
So anyway, they have a really cool last name and they were in my Spanish 2 class sophomore year. None of us really liked to work so we usually just messed around and doodled haha :3 it was awesome lolol

So junior year I didn't have any classes with the but when senior year rolled around lo and behold I had a class with the younger-by-like-12-minutes twin! That's not the correct time I don't think haha but whatevs lawlz

(Ewwwwiesss Hahahaha)

Anywhoooo, (Charlie said "anywho" the other day Cx it made me smile) we sat at the same little trio of desks and became buddies! After a while o started writing on his papers upside down so he could read it when I wrote. So I'm really good at writing in caps upside down on other peoples papers now hehehehe 😜😜📝🔃

And as the weeks progressed we started drawing on each other's papers, mostly me on his cuz I'm more creative and it was so easy haha (we even got extra credit from our Government teacher Mr. D for this one comic on money saving/making)

By the end of the year, after many accidental and not so accidental English mistakes, his name went from Derek (Cool Last Name You Can't Know) to Derk Shnoop :) it was soooo funny hahaha XDDD I loved calling him Shnoop
😄 I'm definitely going to miss our class periods of doodling and religion discussions with the agnostic friend we both had in that class :)

Okay I gotta pee... Be righhhhttttt backkkkk.

[three hours later....]

Lol jk I just went to the bañito then got my charger because I'm at 7%battery life right now hehehe oops *smiles bashfully and twists beard into knot*

Okayyyy where was I? Oh yeah so I'm graduated now :) and that's why the high school things was past tense. It's sad and and I will miss my friends sooooo soooo much but hey hey hey life goes onnnnnn. La da da da... Lol I don't know what that's from... Help? (You know I need somebody) help! (not just anybody) help! (You know I need someone to-) HELP!!!

Oh please get that reference guys.

Okay! I'm going to go freak out about my 500 views now. Ermahgerd. ^_^

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