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"You never came back to the room last night." Lorelai greeted Harley as she approached with Cece and Spencer. "Did you want to share a bed with Grandma?" Harley puzzled.

"Grandma went back to her room." Rory informed her sister. "Well, I had no way of knowing that, did I?"

"Wait, why would Lorelai share a bed with Emily?" Cece questioned with a snort. "Because Richard retired without telling her? You didn't get the whole rundown from Harley last night?" Lorelai questioned her best friend.

"And why would I have gotten the rundown from Harley?"

"Because for reasons I don't wish to discuss, I gave up my bed and came over to your room last night." Harley gave Spencer a pleading look. "Yeah, but you were already in a wine induced coma by the time Harley came to our room." Spencer explained for Harley. 

"Well, yeah, that checks out. I did drink way too much." Cece admitted as Harley gave Spencer a thankful glance in return.

"I need coffee." Harley announced, starting off towards the kitchen. "What the hell was that?" Spencer questioned as he followed behind Harley. "What the hell was what?" She glanced around. "Me having to cover for you just now?"

"Oh, yeah, thanks. I had a pretty good cover story planned about sleeping on the couch in the lobby but then mom said grandma went back to her room and, anyways, thanks."

"So, where were you?"

"You know where I was." Harley gave him a look. "No, I don't think I do. Because you've got Prince Charming, but then I hear you're sticking up for Jess at town meetings and hanging out in the back alley with him when he's supposed to be taking out the trash."

"You can't be serious." Harley paused.. "I mean, does your boyfriend know that you having picnics in the town square with some other guy? Or are you keeping secrets from him, too?"

"Woah? There's a huge difference between me cheating on my boyfriend and me being a cliche teenage girl who lies to her mom about seeing her boyfriend." Harley spat.

"Is there?"

"Connor has no problem with me having guy friends, especially guys that are infatuated with Rory. " Harley scoffed. "Oh, I get it now. Of course you would think that." Spencer laughed, his head nodding.


"Jess doesn't like Rory."

"Yes he does." Harley argued. "Hey, everything alright over here?" Connor called out, approaching Harley. "Prince charming just in time to save the day. You are a real cliche, man." Spencer snickered as he looked Connor up and down. 

"Ignore him. Hey, what do you think about Jess?" Harley questioned as she placed her hand on connor's chest. "Uh, definitely not the type of guy I'd ever picture Rory going for, a little short, but he seems alright. Smart." Connor shrugged. "Why?"

"Spencer's got it in his head that Jess and I are having a love affair." Harley giggled. "Should I be worried?" Connor cracked a grin. "He's got great hair."

"All right. Point taken." Spencer's eyes rolled as he walked off. Connor and Harley paid him no mind.

"Have you seen Luke's hairline though? The future may not be in his favor. My dad on the other hand, he still has great hair." Conor was hugging Harley. "Good point. You've won me back." Harley pecked Connor's lips.

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