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I've worked on Hillsborough farm harder than I ever have just to take my mind off of Gran Nans passing. I stopped writing, lost the motivation for it I suppose.
She passed in her sleep the following winter. I didn't notice right away she always slept in, when I returned I noticed she didn't touch the breakfast I had made. That's when I knew, I called the ambulance after I saw she was still laying the same way in bed as when I left. They let me know she had passed, her funeral was lovely I'm greatful to everyone who came and helped me get on my feet. I'm greatful to John for buying the property and holding on to it for me so I could buy it back from him, he still gave me a huge cut from the price for my years I've already spent working for him. I continue to work for him, although he found he has a type of bone cancer after having a stroke.
After Nan died I did stop writing and texting Montana, she also stopped after some time of my infrequent responses. She wrote her mom that she would come home after hearing about John's condition. She's afraid she won't have much longer to see him. I didn't mean to stop staying in contact but after picking up John's work since he started feeling sick more often I tend to fall asleep if I sit down for too long.
I'll understand if she doesn't want to talk to me, we barely said goodbye.

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