9 Tag, Your It

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I saw her standing there in the dim hallway looking at me in the mirror. Did she just watch me? I look down at my underwear legs and feet, and I could feel the blood turning my ears hot as I connected what she just saw me do. I heard a truck pull up to my house and something came over me when I heard her bare feet run to the door. I quickly put on my pants and hurried after her ready to apologize and ask for her to forgive me, I don't know what I'm sorry for but I don't like what happened and I don't want her to leave like this. She's slower than I am but she had a head start and she busts out the screen door into the light of truck headlights. I slow my pace to a jog and cover my eyes as I round to the drivers side panting.
It's Gloria, Montanas younger sister. She looks at me and glares at me and says, "just what do you think your doing to that girl? Since when do you even like girls? Wait you have feelings?" She looks at the girl on her passenger side and realizes it's her sister, "MONNY? You weren't supposed to be here till tomorrow!" She looks back at me pink on her nose from her anger, "just what did you try to do to her you scumbag mother fu*ker!" Gloria has always been rough around the edges most middle kids are for some reason. Gloria is also mean and really confrontational, we have always been good friends. We were both in the same class after all, took our graduation pictures together. She knows I'm not like how this looks but I get her protective nature over family.
Montana speaks up "what? What are you talking about?" Gloria looks at her and lays into her, "look at you! Your hair is a mess, is that hay in your hair? Why were you by the hay bails? Don't you know thoes things can roll over you and kill you!" Montana nervously tries to detangle her hair with her hands to avoid Gloria's blunt annoyance. Gloria sighs, "Monny did you even realize what time it is? Get in here I'm taking you home before momma has a heart attack and your not home before dark." Montana gets in the truck and looks at her feet. Gloria turns to me and says, "and you get your soggy ass inside, daddy expects you bright and early at the barn for briefing. Now get your groceries out of the bed and get inside before I whop you." I chuckled and said "yes ma'am" grabbed my things I had asked her to get before coming home and went inside. I watched them pull around and drive off down the road through the window curtains. If it was anyone else I might've been shot.

My Lady's Chicory TattooHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin