8 A Steamy Situation

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I feel my face going red as I skip steps up the stairs trying to get away from the attractive half nude man in Cody's bathroom. Why didn't I think of a change of cloths I bet he thinks I wanted to see him shirtless like that, he must think I did it on purpose. Cody must be so embarrassed I just gawked at him like that in his own home.
I get to his bedroom and it seems so empty. The posters of Willie Nelson and dolly are gone from the walls, there is nothing but his bed, the rug and his dresser. The floor is dusty but a clear path from the bed to the dresser to the door has less dust than the rest of the floor. My chest hurts seeing how Cody has lived his life these last 5 years. Part of me wants to change it for him, make things less lonely here for him. A little place in my heart feels bright thinking that Cody needs me, there is a huge difference in being wanted and being needed to me. It's probably part of Cody's pure nature, needing someone is just so nice and sweet of him.
I find his white cotton tee shirts and a pair of night pants and his briefs. I almost didn't realize it looked like he only had black underwear so the drawer looked bottomless in the dark room. The sun was going down fast, I should go home already being at Cody's past dark might imply something momma wouldn't be proud of.
I speed my way down the stairs and hang around the staircase to the bathroom beneath them and knock twice for Cody. I was so lost in thought upstairs I forgot he was still shirtless and second hand embarrassment washed red all over me, all over again. I hand Cody his change of clothes and he took them through the crack in the door, leaving it open.
Cody asked me from the other side of the door "did you find what you were looking for?" I was so flustered I forgot I had found the cleaner but the bottle was empty. I know he didn't know it but he had cleaned off the mirror and I could see him set the clothes down on the stool and I saw him remove his towel to put on his underwear. I felt my face get hot from my view of Cody, he was looking at the door looking concerned. He was waiting for my answer, I hadn't answered! I blurted out, "oh I forgot, I did find a bottle but it was empty. I'll grab some from the store tomorrow for you, I have to grab some things and run arrends anyway. If you can think of anything else call me before 11 cause that's when I'll leave the house in the morning. Speaking of phones can I use yours?" I could see him smile at the door, he was smiling towards me. He looked back down and leaned to put on his underwear. I couldn't see much lower from his hip bones because of the counter top reflected in the mirror so it was more of a tease and I couldn't really look away, and i didnt really want to yet. When he straightend back up he said "I don't think I want anything out that way, I can take you if you want. About the phone, if you know their new number sure go ahead." I did know their number, Cody had looked away from the door and at his reflection in the mirror then me.

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