11 Cody can swim?

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I cleaned the grill by the conversation pad we built a few years ago before Montana left for school. We had stored the patio furniture cushions in a storage barrel out here to keep them from getting wet and blowing away during the storm a week or so ago. This spot by the pond is just a concrete slab with some pavement stones and a little lattuce shade roof we made for it after realizing the sun makes the cushions fade color and also makes them really hot to sit on. I also brought the ice chest in the truck with extra stuff to cook for the girls if they choose to come swim.
I brought my own plastic lawn chair to put on the dock while I do a little catch and release fishing to pass time. I finished my chores early as I could and left with John's permission. He knows I'm spending my free time with Montana and he knows I'd like time to catch up with her right now. He's a good man, and I will always be greatful for his kindness to me.
The sun starts to go down and I drift off sitting in my chair. I didn't hear the two girls pull up to the spot and walk down to the pond. I did hear them when they both started running down the dock and as I startled up I felt 4 dainty hands push me over the edge. On my way in I grabbed thoes hands and pulled both in the water with me. Little devils, I still had my boots on.
I only recently learned how to swim but not fully clothed, I was struggling from the weight of my jeans and boots socks and my button down. I could keep my head up but not well, Montana noticed immediately said, "hold on i got you" and grabbed me and hoisted my elbows over the dock edge. She popped herself on the dock and put my arms around her neck and shoulders and lifted me up to my waist out of the water so I could fold over the edge and get myself on the dock. Montana yelled to Gloria " I thought you said he learned how to swim!" Gloria is floating on her back peacefully a distance away, "I didn't say he could swim in jeans."
Montana sat next to me her thigh touching mine, "I'm sorry Cody, I wouldn't have done that if I knew you were still learning. I hope you can forgive me." She placed her hand on my back and leaned in to give a small hug. I looked at her holding me her head down, shes wearing a dusty green one peice swim suit. I didn't blame her for a minute, but I do blame Gloria, every day of every hour. I hug Montana back the same way, "it's alright sweet pea, I KNOW GLORIA MADE YOU DO IT!" I say good and loud so she can hear me on the other side of the pond. She pops straight up and yells to me, "WHAT ARE YOU HOOLIGANS SAYING ABOUT ME?!" Montana laughs at Gloria then she pops herself off the dock and down into the water and I get down low and quiet before she swims to her sister, "I'm gonna take these off and hang them on a tree branch to dry, do you think Gloria or you might be terribly offended if I walk around in my underwear and a towel till they are dry? I'll start cooking food now instead of going home for a dry pair if that's okay." Montana blushes a little bit, "ooo such a tempting offer, you could be butt naked again for all I care pretty boy." She sinks under the water and swims away to Gloria. I know she's just playing but I can't help but blush from her calling me pretty, maybe she is attracted to me after all.
I go behind the trucks and I hang my soaked clothes on a tree branch and toss my boots in the cab of my truck. They won't dry anytime soon and the boots will probably shrink unless I stretch them back out anyway. I wrap my towel tight around me and I remember Montana seeing me in the bathroom and I cover my face from the blush. I blush harder as I remember what she said at the dock, maybe I'm just some nice eye candy for her. That's probably it, it's probably nothing more than that. I feel a weird sense of flattery and pride in how I look. I check in the passenger mirror of the truck and make sure my hair isn't messy and I wiggle my mustache with my lip. I truly don't see it if she does think I'm decent looking.
I make my walk to the grill with my meats and buns and condiments from my ice chest and I light the grill I had already cleaned earlier. I check on the girls to make sure there's still 2 of them and no one has drowned and I see Montana facing my direction. I look back at the grill feeling myself flush, she's watching me again. I try to relax and not feel the pressure of knowing she's seeing me half dressed and focus on my task.

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