Chapter 6

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Alastor stood outside his parents home, breathing heavily at what is about to happen between himself and his parents. The kitchen knife was secure in his back pocket which was covered by his shirt and red jacket. As he was about to knock on the door, it automatically opened up but there was nobody there.

"Momma...?" He whispered before taking a few steps inside before tripping over something, making him grunt and hold onto the wall for support. "What...?" He looked at it to see a dead rat. No trap, but it has glass shards in its body. "Momma!?" He called out and heard rummbling from the kitchen to see his Father leaning against the counter, holding a kitchen knife of his own.

"I knew you'd come." He mummbled before looking at his shocked son. "What? Thought I would be too drunk to realize what has been happening these last few days?"

"You always forget what happens after you get drunk."

"I didn't drink that much, Al." He chuckled before walking to Alastor and putting a firm hold on his slightly shorter son.

"Where is Momma?" He asked, a hint of red in his eyes. "Did you hurt her?"

"Why, son! Why would you think so low of me?" Frank (Alastor's Dad) chuckled for a moment. "Why she was just making some Jambalaya! Our favourite as always!"

"Where. Is. She?" He growled, putting his hand before his back, ready to grab his knife at any moment.

"Why, Al." Frank took a step back, holding his own knife up. "I don't think trying to kill me will be good, don't you think?" This made his son freeze. How did he know his goal? "I have my ways, boy. When your little girlfriend went home, I knew you'd come here being angry. So I dealt with your Mother after she made dinner." Just by looking at the boy, he only smirked. "Come, Al. Give me the knife and go home. Your Mother is fine. She is in bed. You can even see for yourself."

Alastor shivered and looked into space, unsure on what is happening or what to do and trust.


(Y/N) gasped awake from Bosco's barking from the front door being knocked.

"Huh?" She walked to the door to see Mimzy and some tall lady. She was slightly shorter than Alastor, but shorter than (Y/N). "Hey, Mimzy. Hi... Uhm... Miss... Mrs...?"

"Oh!" Rosie chuckled and took a light bow. "My name is Rosie, sweetheart. I'm a friend of Alastor's. He spoke very much of you. (Y/N), right?"

"Y-Yes, that's me? Is everything okay?" She let them both in since it was raining... And pitch black?

"No." Mimzy and Rosie sat down on the couch, both looking worried. "(Y/N), dear. It's Alastor."

"What happened to him?" (Y/N) sat down, Bosco licking at Rosie's hand gently as she stroked his head, not losing focus on the conversation.

"There was two murders as his home. Frank Hartfelt found dead on the kitchen floor and was disemboweled of most of his inside. Liz Hartfelt found dead in the main bedroom, ten stab wounds to the torso and three stab wounds to the throat. Alastor wasn't there when the cops arrived, but we heard that there was a trail of blood entering the forest." Mimzy explained, holding a piece of paper.

"W-Where did you get this information from?" She shivered as Bosco whimpered and sat next to (Y/N) for comfort.

"Billy Hartfelt." Rosie now started to speak befofe taking a deep breath. "Billy is Frank's Brother, Alastor's Uncle. He is a police officer who was there and when we got to the scene after hearing the sirens nearby we wanted to know what happened so he told us since he knew our connections with Alastor." (Y/N) was crying, head in her hands as Mimzy comforted her by rubbing her back after sitting on the arm of the chair. "I'm sorry, sweetheart." Rosie stood up and knew what is currently happening right now with Alastor. "(Y/N). Do you want to go find him?"

Hazbin Hotel: Alastor X Reader - A Perfect Life In HellTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang