Chapter 12

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Lucifer and (Y/N) were working on his duck project together since training for the door was over. He had created a rubber duck that can spit fire and he was so happy about it, that it made the female giggle.

"Well done, Luci!" She smiled and he threw it against the wall, thinking it sucked and she ran to it, picked it up and put it on the table. "I know you think you doing these sucks, but I like them personally. Rubber ducks are a not only a toy but a stress reliever in some ways."

"O-Oh! Maybe I should make one that spits water out too!" He seemed happy about the thought of his next project. "And that you don't need to suck water up into it to do so!"

"Sounds cool!" (Y/N) nodded, but Lucifer's phone then started to ring.

"Da-da-daughter calling!? Woah!" He looked at the phone, now in worry om how he should approach the call when he answers. "Uhm... uh... heh... Hello, Charlie- H-Hey, Char Char. No! No! That's not good!"

"Just answer the call, Lu, before she hangs up automatically."

"Okay, okay." He took a deep breath and answered. "Heeeeey, bitch!" (Y/N) slapped herself in the face as like 'oh lord'.

"Hey, Dad!"

"Hey! How are ya!? Ho ho! W-Where are you these days?"

"You know where I am, Dad. I told you before."

"You have!? Oh..." He looked at (Y/N) for helped.

"Hazbin Hotel." She whispered.

"T-The uhh, Hotel thing! Right, I knew!"

"Listen, Dad. I got kind of a big ask."

Lucifer coughed on his tea and was willing to help Charlie with anything. He now stood up straight, waiting to hear what she needed help with.

"Yeah, yeah! Of course. Anything in my power is yours, just name it."

"I need to speak to Heaven." (Y/N) heard this and started to growl at the idea. Heaven. No. After all the story, and her nearly being apart of the extermination was enough to tell that Heaven were pretty much the bad guys. "Whoever is in charge up there who is above Adam. I need to go to the top!" (Y/N) saw Lucifer's face of immediate disagreement.

"Oh, no." He said. He kept on repeati g that for a while before clearing his throat to keep speaking. "I don't know, Charlie."

"Please just... Come see what I've been trying to do." Lucifer looked at (Y/N) for moment, knowing she wouldn't leave his side, so they may see a ceratin someone there. "You'll see why it's a very good idea and Heaven is bound to agree if I can just talk to them."

"You're inviting me over!? Absolutely!" He jumped in happiness and then stopped. "But... I got something to ask."

"What is it, Dad?"

"Will (Y/N) be safe there? She's still under the weather about being out there."

"Of course she will. We have all agreed to not hurt a single sinner inside of this hotel."

"That's good then! We'll be over in an hour!" He then hanged out and started to dance and sing. "My Daughter wants to see meee~!". "Take that depression!" He then saw some hurt on (Y/N) face, so Lucifer walked over and hugged her. "Without you here I felt really down in the dumps, so you here made a difference, but you see my point?"

"I feel the same..." She hugged back, gripping onto his back as if she was frightened to death. "S-Shall we get ready to go?"

"Yes! I promise to protect you there if you feel the need to, ok? I know you can protect yourself, but I know how gentle you are."

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