So to clear things up, I have never read to book (I just started reading it a few days ago) I've only watched the two movies so some things in here will just be made up by me! This is also an Au where the kids didn't fight pennywise, it doesnt exist in this book so their just normal high school kids! Okay bye have fun reading :)


"Can you guys believe that were going to be seniors next year?" 

Right now Richie and the rest of the losers clubs were bunkered down in the empty gym, this was their normal hiding spot during lunch since most of the gym guys liked playing outside when it was warm, Richie looks up from his superhero comic his eyes scanning over the group through his thick glasses.

"I don't even know what I want to do with my life" Beverly sighs her pale hands twirling one of her curls between her fingers, "You and me both" Richie speaks up making Bev chuckle and look up at him.

"Well at least we can be clueless together!"

"Yeah, then we can become homeless people and just scream at people, fun life huh?"  Richie grins his red headed friend smiling up at him before Eddie speaks up, "My moms had my college picked out since I started high school" he groans picking at the bandage on his arm, Richie smirks thinking about two days ago and the scene of Eddie rolling down a hill.. Well more like his body was flinging off the hill Richie wasn't even sure if he saw Eddie touch the ground.

Now the smaller boys body was nearly covered in bandage's, "Wait seriously? Your mom picked out your college?" Bev looks over at the boy confusion filling her face, "Yep, that's my mom for you"

"Well at least you have a plan Ed's" Richie say tapping his friends back with his foot making him glare up at him "Eddie" 

"When are you gonna give up Ed's, you know I'm never going to stop"

"God you're annoying" He rolls his eyes turning to face the group again, Richie sneaks a glance at the side of his face scanning over his features.. When Richie was younger he never really thought about the fact that he had never really had a crush on girl well apart from the one girl in grade four but after her there was no others, even when his friends talked about the girls they found cute Richie didn't feel anything of course he laughed and joked along with his friends but deep down he always felt like something was wrong with him. Until he got into high school and the word gay seemed to become a lot more popular.. after months and months of thinking about it gay seemed to be the only way to describe what Richie felt, after all he had always thought Eddie was cute but before the ninth grade he had never thought about it before.

Sure Richie was okay with saying his was gay in his mind but he would never say it to anyone else, what would people even think? He hangs around with a group of mostly boys every single day his friends would get weirded out and think he's gross or something.. Plus there was Bowers he had to worry about, one time in the tenth grade there was a kid who thought it was a good idea to be openly gay not that Richie thought there was anything wrong with it.. Just at their school it's not smart to walk around being openly gay, well Bowers found out and of course went psycho and beat the kid half to death.. The kids parents packed up and moved a few weeks after that then everyone just forgot like nothing even happened but that day never left Richie's mind, If the word of him being gay ever got out he would lose everything..

"Earth to Richie?" Richie snaps out of his thoughts when a hand waves over his face Bev staring at him with a confused look "You okay?"

"Huh? Oh yeah sorry, just tired"

"I can't wait for summer, and to sleep in" Stanley sighs leaning his back against the cold brick wall behind him, "I think that's the first time we've ever agreed on something Stanny" Richie laughs looking up "Oh god I take it back" Stan says rolling his eyes making the group break out into a fit of laughter.

"Okay so we have another hour of this hell hole then it's summer! So we need plans" Bev cuts through the chuckling making everyone stop and think "This town is to fucking small" Richie groans leaning his head back "Right, It feel's like we've already done everything"

"W-We should just pa-pack up and leave this town" Bill sighs resting his head in the palm of his hand balancing his arms on his knee's, the group falls silent turning their heads to look at him, "W-what?"

"That's not a bad idea.." Bev says looking around the group a small smirk growing on her face, "Oh yeah being stuck in a car for hours having to use gas station rest rooms, wow that sure does sound like fun" Eddie says his arms crossed his voice laced with sarcasm making Richie chuckle.

"Aw come on Ed's at least you'd be stuck with me for hours" He smirks leaning over to mess up the teen's hair earning a glare back "Even worse"

"Okay you two stop flirting and focus" 

"What-" Eddie's head snaps over to Bev in seconds his eyes wide his mouth dropped open to say something but Bev's talking cut's him off, "But no, a road trip doesn't sound that bad we could like pack up and leave for a week"

"Y'know that really doesn't sound that bad" Richie shrugs, he hated this town everything about it made him want to run and never look back.. It's not like he had anything going for him in this town, nearly everyone hated him for his loud mouth and annoying joke's, his parents were never home and when they were they were fighting sometimes it seemed like the forgot they even had a kid.. So the idea of packing up and leaving seemed like heaven.

"That bad? It sound's like a disease waiting to happen" Eddie scoffs "Living with your mom is a disease waiting to happen" Richie smirks watching the teen's face basically turn red his eyes glaring at him "Shut the fuck up Richie" 

"You love it"

"I'm going to strangle you don't fucking test me"

"Hm I didn't know you were into that sorta thing, kinky"

"Fuck off!"

The two get cut off by the loud sound of the bell ringing and the faint noise of the hallways being filled with teenagers in seconds, thankfully the school gave everyone a half a day so the group stands up flinging their heavy bags over their shoulders heading into the large stampede of kids, Richie walks down the hall being able to see over half of the kids in the hall since his growth sprit in the tenth grade now being taller then most of his friends besides from mike who sadly was still homeschooled. His eyes move down to the shorter figure next to him Eddie's eyes focused ahead trying not to touch anything his hands fidgeting with the straps of his bookbag, suddenly he looks up the two making eye contact for a second before Richie breaks it staring ahead again "So are we still meeting at my house tonight?" Richie clears his throat trying to ignore the fact he was just staring at Eddie for way too long .

"Of course! But I'm bring the snacks" Bev grins "Duh my parents haven't done the grocery in a while so there's basically nothing" Richie chuckles, but deep down it bothered him he missed the days were he would get home from school or playing outside to a cooked dinner.. And both of his parents sat at the table smiling at each other, he missed when they loved each other.

Eddie looks up at his taller friend noticing his smile wasn't as big as it normally was, he was used to Richie's large grin showing off his now straight teeth since he got braces a few years ago he was so proud of them. Eddie remembers all the times he had to remind his friend about the stuff he couldn't eat, "Don't eat that Rich! it's going to break a bracket!"  A small smile grows on his face watching Richie joke around with Bev the two had become best friends a few weeks after she joined the group, Eddie always had a small suspicion that his friend had a crush on her just by the way they acted.. The two held hands and were touching each other half the time they were together, like right now Bev had her arm hooked around Richie's the two laughing loudly as they skipped ahead of the group.. The corner of his lips turn downwards watching the two smile widely at each other just a few feet away, he didn't want to really think about it but it was like Richie had drifted away from him.. After they started high school they had less classes with each other, then Richie just seemed to space himself from him putting more of his focus on Bev.. Eddie wasn't jealous god why would he be? Richie used to piss him off just for fun but for some reason it felt like something was missing now..

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