The house was silent, like it had been for the past three days that Eddie had been back, it's not like he even wanted to talk to his mom, what would he even say if he had to? But it was like Sonia went out of her way to just ignore them she went as far as to avoid going into room's that he was in. Being back in the house left Eddie with a weird feeling he could never place constantly hovering over him, being here didn't feel like it used to it hadn't felt like a home in a while but now it was even worth.. It felt like he was just an unwanted quest in the house that he was supposed to call home, even thought being home sucked Beverly and Richie called him almost everyday preventing him from going fucking crazy.. It took him a while to convince Beverly that he was fine and that she shouldn't feel bad about him not being able to stay, thankfully she stopped worrying twenty-four seven.

Eddie was sat in his room searching through one of the boxes on the floor, the first day he came back home he had walked up to his room seeing his mother was already throwing some of the stuff he didn't use often into boxes. She really wasn't changing her mind about his moving out thing.. So now he was looking through the boxes seeing all the stuff she had packed away, the loser's were on their way to his house to pick him up they still had no idea what they wanted to do for the day but Eddie didn't care he just wanted to get out of this house. Mid way through looking at the stuff packed away a rock hits against his window making him look up a smile growing on his face he quickly stands up grabbing his fanny pack before pulling the window open sliding himself out onto his roof, "Eddie hurry up! Your mother scares me!" Stanley shouts looking between him and the large living room window that he was stood in view of. "Do you want me to break my fucking leg Stanley!"

"If it makes you get down here faster, yes!"

"Okay enough you two children" Bev rolls her eyes at the two, Richie walks up to the side of the house holding his hand out letting Eddie grab onto it as he maneuvers off his roof, onto the trash can and onto the ground giving Richie a small smile still holding onto his hand "Thanks Rich.. At least someone doesn't want me to die!" He raises his voice as he says the last part shooting a glare at Stanley who was still sat on his bike ready to leave.
"Oh my god, not again!" Bev groans loudly, "Both of you quit it" she adds, scolding the two like she was their mother but the two do go silent looking at Bev then at each other.

"So what are we doing?" Richie speaks up glancing down at Eddie for a quick second then looks back at Bev seeing her shrug, "No clue" she shrugs looking around at the group "Town might not be the best idea.. Since Henry still probably wants us dead" she adds with a roll of her eyes "W-we can g-go to my h-house, my p-p-parents aren't home" Bill says making the group look over at him each of them agreeing. Eddie walks over to his bike sliding on seeing the others gather onto the road Bill and Bev laughing about something, "Earth to Eddie" Richie bikes up beside him with a grin seeing Eddie jump slightly whipping his head over to face him "Asshole"

"What did I do!?" Richie laughs shaking his head, "You were trying to scare me"

"Apparently I didn't even need to try, you're the easiest person to scare" Richie shrugs biking onto the road Eddie following behind him, the two stay a few feet behind the group still bickering with one another like they normally did. Stanley who was biking next to Beverly look's over his shoulder watching the two for a few seconds, sure the way they were acting wasn't weird they did it every time they were together but for some reason he felt like something was different. He could see the large smile on Eddie's face as he tried to hold in a laugh as Richie acted like his normal idiot self, yeah Richie was a funny person he made the group break out laughing multiple times but this was the first time he was seeing such a big smile on Eddie's face when he was with Richie.. Or maybe he just hadn't noticed before..

"Y-You okay S-Stanley?" Bill stutters seeing his friends staring off behind him, Stan looks next to him giving the stuttering teen a small smile "Yeah I'm fine.. Just, have you noticed anything weird between Eddie and Richie?" his voice drops as he speaks glancing over his shoulder again causing Bill to do the same, "N-Not really, why?". Bev couldn't help but over hear the conversation moving her focus on the two whispering to one another, she began to worry.. What is Stanley pieced things together and pressured the two? Was it her fault for even saying anything to Stanley.. Sure she didn't tell him anything about the two but maybe she said enough for him to become curious? "What are you two whispering about?" she cuts both of them off making both boys look at her then at each other,

"Stanley thinks E-Eddie and Richie a-are acting d-different"  Bill chuckles, Bev looks behind her at the two boys seeing their large happy smiles as they teased one another.. "Make it any more obvious you two.." she thinks to herself even if she thought it was cute seeing the two not at each other's throats for once, "They seem the same to me" Beverly shrugs but Stanley narrows his eyes at her. He knew something was up and it was making him annoyed that his friends felt the need to hide it from him, if it was something to important that they needed to keep it secret why would they tell Beverly and not him? Did they think he was untrust worthy or something?

After a few more minutes of biking the group stops in front of the two story blue house that belonged to the Denbrough family, his younger brother Georgie had left the house yesterday to a sleepover at his friends house so the large house was empty leaving the teens to enjoy the place to themselves. "I always forget your parents are loaded" Richie sighs looking up at the house as he rest his bike on the ground the other's doing the same thing "Their n-not loaded, t-they just saved up" Bill shrugs, his parents were on the richer side but it's not like they showed off all their money plus it normally just went to bills and anything in the house that needed to be fixed so it was rare the two boys ever got some of the money unless they did chores. 

"I love your house, it's so pretty" Bev says looking around the large porch following the group inside, Bill gives her a small smile her cheek's tinting a light shade of pink "T-thanks Bev" once the seven were inside the crash onto the couch with huffs and sighs. Richie drops himself onto the carpet Eddie dropping down beside him making Richie give him a grin, "Why are you so smiley today" Eddie chuckle leaning back against the couch "Oh I'm sorry, am I not allowed to smile?"

"You know what I mean dickhead" Eddie rolls his eyes shoving Richie's arm making him let out a small laugh, "You sure do have a lot of anger in that small body of yours huh?"

"Oh ha ha, you really should be a comedian Richard" Eddie narrows his eyes but Richie just smiles, "Maybe I will" he shrugs with a proud smirk he could always see himself being a famous comedian making thousands of people laugh every time he walked onto a stage. "You'd be a fan wouldn't you" he teases reaching his hand forward resting it on top of Eddie's knee, "Why would I pay to see you tell jokes when I've gotten a free show the whole time we've known each other" Eddie smirks shrugging his shoulder. 

"Touché" Richie says putting on a shitty French accent, on the other side of the room Stanley found himself staring at the two again it was like they were in their own little world not even realizing that the other's were still around them. The whole time they had been together so fair Richie had yet to pick on him or anyone else in the group which was unusual for the jokester.. "Dude why are you so stuck up on this" Bev sighs popping up beside him "Because I know something is going on and no one is telling me" he huffs glaring at her, Bev let's out another sigh looking over at the pair the two being much more touchy with another which she found weird since they were supposed to be keeping their relationship a secret or well that's what she heard last.. The two boys knew what they were doing, they both found it too awkward to just tell everyone so they just decided to act as if everyone already knew and well if anyone asked questions well then they would say something. It made it less awkward for the both of them little did they know that it was driving Stanley insane, he wanted to say something but stopped himself he'd be an asshole for calling the two out right in front of everyone..
He let's out a sigh looking back over at Bill and Ben the two talking so he tried to focus on them and not the other two, Richie would tell him if it was really important.. Right?

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