A few more hours have passed, turning the morning into a nice warm summer afternoon, the two have been relaxing on the couch the whole time unsure of what to do. But Richie didn't mind he enjoyed just having Richie here, just the two of them enjoying the silence was enough for him...

"I think I'm going to go home" Eddie speaks up making Richie look over at him seeing his sat with his legs crossed focused on a picking the skin around his nail a clear sign that he was nervous about something, "What why?"

"I can't avoid it forever Rich" he says with a weak chuckle trying to lighten the subject, but Richie didn't take the hint, he didn't under why Eddie would want to go there so soon it had only been a day... Did Richie do something to make Eddie not want to be here? "You don't have to Eddie, but it's only been a day you don't have to rush back to it"

"I know I know, but I've thought about it, and I want too plus I have to shower and change into clean clothes"

"Well... Okay, but call me if anything happens, okay?"

"Will do" Eddie smiles over at him before getting up to his feet still fidgeting with his fingers while he makes his way to the door, Richie stands up as well following behind him watching as Eddie slides on his shows open the door letting the sunshine into the hallway. "See you later Ed's"

"Bye Richie" Eddie says giving him another small smile before leaving letting Richie shut the door behind him, once the teen was alone again, he looks around he wished he could have stopped Eddie from going back there... Maybe he could have said something to convince him to stay or was it because of him that he wanted to leave. Did he make him uncomfortable? Fuck Richie didn't know when to shut his mouth...

Eddie stares up at his house still sat on his bike, he had been sitting there for minutes but he felt glued to the seat... Eddie's anxiety had peaked again just by looking at his house, there was no way this is normal he thought to himself while finally stepping off the bike letting to rest against the wall. With shaky steps he makes his way up the porch steps slowly pushing the door open enough to hear the sound of the tv playing female voices talking to one another he could already tell it was one his mom's shows that she loved to watch, she was here... "Of course she is here Eddie it's her house?!"

He just stands there, his feet plastered to the wood porch under him, why was he so scared? This was the home he grew up in... With a deep breath he pushes the fear down taking a step into the house his shoes hitting the floor mat underneath him, "You got this Eddie, just get up to your room you'll be fine" His own voice repeats in his head as he removes his sneakers, without looking around he rushes up the stairs nearly stripping on half of them but he didn't care he continues to dart down the hall until he was in his room with the door locked. He hadn't even noticed he was holding his breath until he was gasping for the air he had been missing, he stayed there with his back against the door waiting to hear any noises from downstairs or even his mom's voice, but nothing came... "That was easy..."\

Standing his room felt calming he enjoyed seeing the familiar room he would run to when everything went shitty, his mom was strict about the music or movies he watched so there wasn't as many posters on his wall compared to Richie but Eddie's room was a lot cleaner no clothes on his floor or random things laying everywhere, Eddie enjoyed having a clean room because it was easy to find stuff and not end up panicking for not finding something. He sits down on the edge of his bed looking down at his socks even though he liked being in his room he felt like something was missing... It was so quiet, too quiet... No Richie bugging him with annoying jokes or loud music playing while the two laid there, then it hits him... He missed Richie, it wasn't that surprising since they were best friends but this time it felt different, it's like he missed him more than he normally did... But why?

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