The days seemed to fly by because before the group knew it Monday was just a night away, each of them at their houses packing what they thought they needed for this trip well almost all of them... Richie stood at the end of his bed staring down at the empty bag laying on his bed waiting to have stuff put in it but for some reason Richie didn't know what to pack, "Is this supposed to be this hard?" He speaks into the phone that he held up to his ear. "No you're just an idiot" Eddie says on the other line making Richie roll his eyes "Thanks asshole"

"No problem, I could drop by and help you if you want? I'm already done packing"

"You'd be saving my ass Ed's thank you"

"I'll be there in a bit, see ya Rich"

"Bye Ed's"

With the conversation over with Richie was still left standing there looking around his cluttered room then down at the empty bag, damn he really was too dumb to pack a fucking bag... He was lying flat on his bed his long legs dangling off the edge, when his bedroom door opens and the brown-haired boy walks in looking at him with a 'Really?' kind of look, "Get up Richie, I'm not doing it for you I'm helping"

"Finee" Richie groans throwing himself up to a sitting position, then up to his feet walking over to Eddie now both of them were looking down at the empty bag. "Okay for one you need clothes, so grab a few shorts and like one or two jeans just in case it get's cold" Eddie orders and with a nod Richie was digging through his closet collecting the stuff Eddie told him to get, "Why is packing so hard for you?" Eddie asks while watching him place his clothes inside of the bag trying to make it neat but failing "No clue, I don't go on many vacations, so I guess I never really had to?"

"Makes sense, okay now socks and underwear" Eddie orders again his eyes following Richie as he walks across the room grabbing a few socks and boxers, soon they join the mess of clothes in his bag "Now shirts and a few warmer ones, okay? Maybe even a hoodie"

"Yes sir" Richie teases seeing Eddie roll his eyes as he walks back towards his closet grabbing some shirts short and long sleeve and a hoodie like Eddie suggested, once everything was stuffed into the bag Richie leans down and zips it up giving it a pat a proud smile on his face. "I did it"

"Bravo" Eddie chuckles then look's around "You still toiletries"

"I'm sorry what now?"

"Toiletries? Like the stuff you use to take care of yourself dumbass" Eddie tries to explain but was met with a confused face so he just let's out a sigh "Give a small bag I'll do it" he says with his hand held out, Richie grabs a small bag he had laying on the floor at the bottom of his closet and places it against Eddie's palm watching as the shorter boy walks out of his bedroom down the hall and into the bathroom. Richie stares at him confused but proceeded to follow his steps leaning against the bathroom door frame watching Eddie move around the bathroom shoving his toothbrush and paste inside the bag along with his hair brush, deodorant, floss then he zips it up "Whatever else you we can share" Eddie says walking back to the bedroom well Richie stayed silent watching him with a faint smile that he didn't see. Once the two teenagers were back in the room Eddie shoved the small bag into the large back zipping it back up for the second time, now it was actually done. "There you go, all packed"

"Thanks Ed's"

"Eddie" He glares making Richie smile again "You're not going give up huh?"

"Why is saying my real name so hard, Richard" Eddie teases using his full name making Richie pause playfully narrowing his eyes at the short brown-haired boy, "Oh so that's what you're going to play this huh... Edward?" That earns a glare from Eddie, the two just glaring at each other. "Why did I agree to being stuck in a van with you" Eddie huff's his head shakes firmly.

"Because you love me remember?"

"Ha yeah right, maybe in your dreams"

"You in my dreams? No way that's a nightmare" Richie chuckles shoving his shoulder making Eddie spin around and shove him back, Richie stares down at him for a few seconds before he leans down and with one quick motion, he wraps his arms around Eddie trapping him, "Richard put me down!" Eddie yelps as Richie lifts him up off his feet. "What was that, Edward?"

"Fuck off!" His voice cracks slightly as Richie start walking around with the boy still trapped in a bear hug type of position his feet dangling above the ground, "Why are you so light dude? It's like carrying a baby"

"Richie!" Eddie groans hitting the boy's arms trying to get him to let him go, Eddie hated this he hated feeling small even if it was true. Being the shortest one in the group for years now he could get used to the nicknames, but he hated it when someone made him feel even shorter and this was not helping... Why did Richie have such an easy time to pick him up, "Say the magic words Edwardo"

"What are you 6?"

"Six inches maybe" Richie smirks hearing the gasp come from head before he gets elbowed in the stomach making him wince, "Fucking gross"

"Magic words and I will put you down, it's that easy Ed's"

"Okay fine what it is! Please?"

"Of course it's not please"

"Fucking Richie..." Eddie sighs "Fine... Yes I love you" He adds, Richie pauses his face turning bright red... That wasn't even what he was thinking but holy shit, he had heard Eddie say it before but most of the time he was talking about the group, or he was bye to his mom but never once has he ever said it Richie. "Rich... You gonna put me down now?"

"O-Oh yeah sorry" Richie chuckles dropping him back onto the floor quickly looking away cursing himself for getting too flustered over something he clearly didn't mean... "I have to get back home for supper, but I'll see you tomorrow, right?"

"Yep, we should be there for ten"

"Alright, see you then... Bye Richie"

"Bye Eddie"

"Hey you said it!" Eddie gasp turning around from his spot in the doorway point at Richie, his smile grows on his face as he rolls his eyes "Ed's"

"Fuck off" And just like that his surprise drops he turns and walks out the door shouting another bye before closing the front door the house becoming empty once again, Richie let's out a shaky sigh dropping down into his desk chair letting out a loud groan placing both hands on his face "I'm so fucking stupid"

"Why the fuck did I say that!?" Eddie curses at himself for being so stupid, why the hell would he want you to say you love him!? His face kept replaying in his head and the way he couldn't even look at Eddie, "Oh god he hates me now, doesn't he?"

He biked through town feeling the wind blow through his hair as he went downhill, breathing in the fresh air he let out a sigh relaxing slightly. The two had said weirder stuff before this was just a teasing I love you nothing more... nothing more... Being deep in thought Eddie didn't notice the blue car that had started to follow him, until he hears the loud rock music making me him look over his shoulder finally and spotting it his eyes going wide with panic seeing it was Bowers blue car.. Eddie was alone, no friends to protect him fuck he was going to die... Making a quick choice he swerves into the alleyway driving by the back of the butcher shop making another quick turn to his left hearing the rumble of the car still behind him, so he continues to make quick turns hoping to lose them eventually, after minutes of the tag the alley finally goes quiet.. He couldn't hear the rumbling sound of the car or the loud rock music, he was safe Eddie let's out a relieved sigh parking his bike against the break wall searching for his inhaler in the depth of the fanny pack around his waist.

"Looking for something Wheezy?" 

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