After the group had finished filling their stomachs they sneak their way back into the hotel room packing their stuff back up, "Bill have you seen the T-shirt I slept in last night?" Stanley calls across the room digging around his side of the room "I think you left it in the bathroom" Bill answers. Bev who was packing her stuff into her bag look's over at the two his heart tinging slightly.. "Here don't forget this Bev" Ben appears next to her holding one of her bracelets in his hand making her smile "Oh thanks Ben!"

"I think these are yours tiny" Richie smirks tossing a pair of Eddie's shorts over to him earning a glare "How did these even get out of my bag?"

"I may or may not have tiredly mistaken your bag for mine" Richie shrugs while slide his vans back on, "Whatever weirdo" Eddie smirks making Richie flip him the finger. After another few minutes Mike walks back into the room "Alright the key's are gone, ready to go guys?"

"Yep let's go!" Bev throws her bag over her shoulders and leave the room the other following behind her climbing back into the back of the van with huff's and grunts until everyone was comfortable. "So what's the plan for today?" Richie ask leaning his back against one of the pillows glancing over at Eddie who sat across from his their legs touching for a brief second, "Hope you boys are down for some swimming?" she grins looking into the back seat Bill smiles brightly "H-Hell yeah!"

"What disease infected spot are you bring us to now?" Eddie roll's his eyes making Bev flip him off, "You swim in the quarry all the time asshole, this is no different! I looked on the map and apparently there is this really popular water hole that people like to sleep in, the front desk lady told me about it too"

"Come on Ed's it sounds fun" Richie says patting the boys legs making Eddie stare at him for a few seconds before he let's out a sigh "It's not like I have a choice dumbass, I'm already here"

"True, you're stuck with me" Richie grins making him snicker "My worst nightmare"

"More like best dream, who wouldn't want to spend hours with me?"

"Me" Stanley says bluntly shooting Richie a teasing smirk making him narrow his eyes from behind his glasses again, "Stanley Uris, I will drown you don't even test me" Richie barks back at him making Stan roll his eyes then looks back down at the comic in his hands. "So it's going to be about an hour drive, Eddie wanna check that we got everything and don't need to make a stop" Bev says her voice teasing but little did she know it's all Eddie wanted to do "Yes please!" he basically jumps up into a sitting position scooting over to the bags listing the stuff they had "Towels, sunscreen, bandages-"

"Why would we need bandages?" Richie scoffs earning yet another glare for Eddie, to some it would seem like that was the only way the small brown haired teen looked at his glasses wearing friend "Because what if someone get's cut on a rock dumbass? Some people have brains unlike some"

"Ouch! That was a low blow"

"You set yourself up for it, plus when is it ever bad to have Bandages?" Eddie huff's turning back to face the bags continuing to dig through them "Everyone brought something to swim in right?" He ask again glancing over the group getting the same "Yep" or "Yeah" with a nod "Yes mother" Richie teases making Eddie roll his eyes again "I'd shut up now or Eddie's eyeballs are going to roll right out his head" Ben snickers making the others break into a fit of giggle's. 

"That wouldn't even be that bad, then someone need's to stab me in the ears so I don't need to see or hear all the stupid shit Richie does"

"You aren't such a golden boy Ed's!" Richie gasp pointing his long index finger over to him "What does that even mean dude!?"

"You have done your fair share of stupid shit to Eddie" Stanley shrugs looking up from his comic for a quick second "Thank you Stan!"

"Oh kiss my ass! Both of you" Eddie hisses turning back to the bags with an annoyed huff, he finished looking through the bag giving Bev a thumbs up before flopping back into the spot he was sat before right in front of Richie seeing his brown eyes watching him until he was sat down that's when he looks down at the comic again "What were you staring at" Eddie call's him out making Richie look up with a confused raised brow. "What?"

"You were staring, what is there something on my face"

"What's up your ass today dude?"

"Nothing" Eddie shrugs his arms lazily crossed over his chest his eyes narrow as he stares Richie seeing his face was only confused rolling his eyes for a quick second then looks back down, "Golden boy... Fucking Golden boy!?" Eddie for some reason could not get those thoughts out of his head no matter how hard he tried.. He didn't want to be an asshole Jesus he was having fun for once! But god Richie saying that one word just ticked him off.. "It's just a word for crying out loud!" Eddie think's to himself glancing up from his lap his eye's landing on Richie who was now focused on his comic probably busy reading an action scene he always zoned out at those, he let's out a sigh closing his eyes for a quick second before they open again when Bev speaks up "Hey pull over I need to use the washroom"

"Where?" Richie look's up confused "In the woods duh?"

"Girls can do that!?"

"Oh my god Richie.." She groans loudly, Mike takes a few seconds and pulls to the side of the road the group watch's as she hopes out of the passenger seat but instead of walking into the woods she flings the back door open staring at Eddie "I gotta talk to you about something, come with me?"

"Uhm.. Okay but if we get attacked I'm using you as bait" Eddie shrugs sliding out of the van the other's watching with a confused glance "You don't have enough meat on your bones to be bait anyway Eddie" as he let's out a small chuckle the two go walking into the small patch of wood's next to the road, once they were out of ear shot Bev turn's to Eddie "What happened back there?"


"You're not stupid Eddie, you know what I mean" She glares at him but it wasn't mean just more stern like she knew something was bothering.. She somehow knew everything about everyone so easily "I don't even know myself! Bev I swear it was like this huge wall just came up and I got all anger at everything!"

"I saw that, was it something Richie said?" She sighs looking at him with a sympathetic look while her hands hid themselves into the pockets of her jean shorts, "I think so.. But it was so fucking stupid.. God I'm such an asshole!"

"Come on Eddie don't do that, what was it that he said?"

"It was when Richie called me a golden boy.. It just made me mad"

"Maybe it has something to do with your mom?"

"What why would it be her?"

"Well.. You've always tried to be perfect for her Eddie.."

"Oh my god.. It's because of her! That women is the reason I'm such an asshole!" Eddie gasp his hands flying up to his hair tugging lightly at one of the handfuls he had groaning loudly "My own mother has fucked me up! I'm going to be this awful human that just snaps at everyone Bev!" 

"Wow Eddie calm down! You're not messed up, you never were and never will.. But I'm guess the whole pretending you were sick your whole life thing kinda does give you a reason to snap from time to time"

"But I don't want to!"

"Guys?" A voice snaps the two out of their chat making them look over towards the direction of the road seeing Richie stood there his tall form casting a looming shadow as his hands dig into his jean pockets his beat up converse kicking dirt in front of him, his face was the picture of confused his eyes darting between the two "Ed's you okay?" He ask noticing the way his friends was grabbing his air his eyes wide his breathing heavy he looked manic. "I'm fine Richie! I'm-" Eddie cut's himself off noticing how rude he was sounding once again.. "Fuck.." He sighs rubbing his hands down his face, "What the hell is going on?"

"Uhm.. I'm going to head back to the car, you two talk okay?" Bev gives a small smile to Eddie gently shaking his arm looking him in the eye's "You're okay, I promise"


The two watch her leave waiting until she was gone to face one another a silence growing between the two "Dude you're acting like someone just died.. What the hell is going on with you?"

"Oh fuck off Richie, I'm sorry for showing emotion" Eddie glares at him making the taller teen roll his eyes "If you're just going to flip out we can go back to the van, everyone's waiting.." Richie sighs looking down at the dirt under his feet like something about it could be much more interesting then his friend acting like a maniac in front of him. 

"I'm sorry"

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