The day had finally come, Eddie was in his bedroom concussion free since the three of his friends would not let him even think about going anywhere until the shitty feeling he felt was gone and he was back to feeling normal apart from the splitting headache that had just now started to die down. But the day of the trip was finally her and he was double checking to make sure he was packed, he always worried about forgetting the tiniest, but he perks up when he hears a honk from outside "Come on Edwardo!" Richie's loud voice was able to creep its way all the way to Eddie's room. With a small chuckle Eddie throws the bookbag over his shoulders carrying the small duffel bag in his arms, walking down the hallway and down the stairs he glances over at his mother the two still haven't spoken a word to each other but Eddie wasn't going to force her to plus it was kind of nice not having the nagging in his ear. Swinging the door open he's met with seven smiling faces staring back at him "You look like kidnappers"

"Come in the van Eddie... We have candy" Richie snickers wiggling his fingers trying to seem creepy, but it just makes Eddie laugh "It better be the good shit" he says while climbing into the back of the van tossing his stuff over to join the others, now that he was inside, he sees that it wasn't that bad. When he heard the word van he thought of a dirty stinky farm van but this was nice and taken care of, Mike was driving it was a rule his uncle had made when the group went to go collect the van since he was supposedly the safest driver out of them which the group had no problem believing. Bev sat next to him in the passenger's seat while a bookbag filled the space in between them, the van was filled with the song Cherry bomb softly playing off the speakers Bev had also decided she was in charge of the music so now the rest of them had no say in what was being played well Richie didn't mind since the two had similar music taste. The back of the van held Richie, Bill, Ben, Stanley and now Eddie, even with five people it still had enough room left so they weren't all cramped together. "You guy's ready for this!" Bev grins looking into the back seat "Hell yeah!" Richie grin's back, once the van starts Eddie finds himself looking out the window watching his house become smaller in the distance. "S-See ya Darry!" Bill cuts in as the van passes the sign saying goodbye to the people who left Darry and today it just happened to be the seven of them "You won't be missed!" Bev adds making Bill chuckle, "I don't find it that bad" Stan shrugs.

"You like Darry?" Richie stares at him like he had just said the most unbelievable thing in the world, "Of course I don't like it, but if you get rid of the shitty people the town isn't that bad"

"Yeah, I agree, the town itself is pretty just not the shitty people" Ben adds speaking for the first time since Eddie got into the van, "I heard what happened with Bowers Eddie..." He adds glancing over at him. Eddie rolls his eyes looking over at Bev "Seriously Bev?"

"Yes seriously, the other's needed to know too"

"Well, I'm fine now Ben don't worry" he says looking back over at Ben who gives a single nod then look's down at the book sitting on his lap "Yep doctor Richie saved the day!" Richie grins swinging an arm around Eddie, "Saved the day? I wasn't dying idiot" He chuckles narrowing his eyes like he always did when Richie said something stupid. "Still, I cleaned your face, that's something!"

"Because I was too tired to do it myself"

"Let me have something Ed's!" Richie groans throwing his head back against the van wall earning a laugh the other's "Nope, I can't let it go to your already big ego" Eddie shrugs leaning back against one of the pillows someone had brought staring out the window watching the tree's fly by the bright blue sky above them, "It's such a nice day today" Bev speaks up a small smile rested on her lips as she gazed outside enjoying the view of tree's around them. "Do we have any clue where we're going?" Eddie sighs his arms crossed as he realizes that they couldn't just drive around expecting to not get lost, "Don't worry I brought them a map" Stanley says while Bev lifts it up to shove him "Do you know how to use it?" Eddie asks, making Bev glare at him "Of course I do!"

"Sorry, just asking"

"We're not going to get lost Eddie, so just relax" Bev orders pointing a finger at him like he a was a toddler getting scolded, but instead of fighting he just rolls his eyes flopping his head back again listening to the music that played through the speakers glancing around at everyone. Stan was focused on the sudoku book held against his knees, Ben was still focused on reading while Bill and Richie were both reading comic's, the two both enjoying the same genre. Since everyone was busy Eddie decides to close his eyes getting another hour or two of sleep since his nerves didn't let him sleep very well the night before, with the faint rumble of the van as it moved it took Eddie only a few minutes before he passed out forgetting he was in a car full of his friends until a hand on his shoulder shakes him awake. He tiredly rub's glaring at whoever the hell woke him up since he was still half asleep the person in front of him just looked like a blob, "Rise and shine Eddie" Her soft voice speaks up giving him a clear sign that it was Bev in front of him.

"Where are we?" He asks sitting up stretching his arms up above his head, "A gas station, we were getting low, but the others are inside"

"How long was I out?" He asks another question while sliding out of the back of the van his feet hitting the ground under him, "A good three hours"

"Shit really, well I'm going to go use the washroom" He says before walking over to the gas station building still rubbing his eyes as the bell above him dinged when he pushed the door open, taking a quick look around he spots Richie and Bill stood over by the coffee machine talking about something while Ben and Stanley walked out of the bathroom a few seconds after Eddie walked inside. "Ed's over here!" Richie calls out waving him over, so he walks over seeing Bill filling up a few of the coffee cups up before placing them in a tray "We're g-getting coffee f-for everyone" Bill explains once he sees the confused look on Eddie's face. Ben and Stan walk over joining the two watching Bill fill the cups, "Excuse me" a female speaks up from behind Richie making his turn around stepping out of the way letting the stranger reach over and pick up a straw. She looked over the group before her eyes land on Richie "I like your shirt, that's an amazing band" her voice was sweet as she smiled up at Richie, "You listen to them?"

"Yeah of course!" The group just watches as the two talks, Eddie could hear Bill let out a snicker which only made him feel worse about this situation... His arms were crossed staring at the side of this girl's head he didn't even realize his eyes narrowed until the girl reach's upholding the side of Richie's arm laughing about something he had said, she was flirting with him. It was easy to see just by how much this random girl they had never met was smiling at him like he was a ray of fucking sunshine! "What is taking you guys so long!" Bev groans walking over to the group stopping when she spots the random girl stood there giving her a confused look "Sorry I was just leaving" the stranger speaks up giving Richie another smile before walking all the whole group now staring at him.

"We just left Darry and Richie is already flirting it up huh?" Bev smirks "We were not flirting" Richie argues rolling his eyes Bev knew he was gay but of course she still had to tease him, "S-sure seemed like I-it f-f-from over here" Bill chuckles making Richie glare at him his eyes landing on Eddie for a quick second noticing his crossed arms and annoyed expression on his face before the smaller teen turns around looking out the window. "She's not my type" Richie says shrugging his shoulder making Eddie glance over again his hands dropping back down to his sides "We shouldn't keep Mike waiting outside" He cuts in pointing over to the teen who was leaned against the van waiting for the rest of them "I already paid so let's go" Bev nods starting to walk away Eddie following next to her, the two were the first one's back at the van the other's walking out after them.

"H-Here Mike" Bill says holding out a coffee for him "Thanks" Mike accepts it taking a quick sip not seeming to be affected by the hotness of the liquid, the group climbs back into the van one by one getting back into the positions. Eddie grabs the pillow hugging it to his chest once everyone was situated the van starts and pulls out of the gas station getting back on the road, "And the fun continues" Mike chuckles. 

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