His tiredness disappeared in a second the minute the sound of something knocking against his window startled him awake, now Richie just sat in bed staring at the closed window's waiting for the sound to happen again maybe he had just imagined it? But to his shitty luck the sound happened again more urgent this time making him slide out of bed his socked feet hitting the floor as he slowly started to move over to the window "Shit-" Richie heard quickly before there was a loud thud on the rood next to his window, the nervousness in his body left now just replaced with confusion. He pull's the certain open peaking outside his heart pounding against his chest seeing Eddie laid on his back holding his side groaning loudly, his shaking hands reach forward pulling the window open leaning against the window sill "What are you doing?" Richie call's out Eddie quickly sit's nearly tumbling off the roof before he catch's himself now staring at Richie with wide eyes. He was not expecting Richie to open the window and he was definitely not expecting to be face to face with him but here he was, all he wanted to do was pull out his inhaler but he came here for a reason..

Eddie had been thinking about that five second kiss the entire night not being able to shake it out of his head, and the more he thought about it the more he thought about how much he enjoyed the brief kiss.. He was gay, that's what settled in which is what made him have a full on fucking panic attack for the next two hours.. He remembered watching Richie run away after the two fought snapped at each other in the door way, he wanted to say something but instead he was frozen in shock just watching his best friend run off.. Now the two were face to face again, the last time they had been face to face it ended horribly now Eddie wanted to make thing's better.. He couldn't lose Richie "Uh.. Hi" Is the only thing Eddie could blurt out, from where he was sitting he could see the red in Richie's eyes and the puffiness in them. Richie had been crying..

"Hey.." Richie says still leaning against the window sill looking away awkwardly "Can I come in, I'm going to fall and break my fucking spine"

"Oh yeah sure" Richie nods moving out of the way letting Eddie slide into the room, once inside he just stands there picking at the skin next to his nail starting to regret ever thinking this was a good idea. "Everything okay?" Richie ask standing a few feet in front of him, Eddie had just freaked out on him stomping on the feelings he had hidden from him for years he had every right to be mad and just yell at him or give him the silent treatment but no.. Richie was just standing there with a worried expression on his face which only made Eddie feel worse about what he had done, he hated that at the one moment he needed to talk to most his fear took over him he let Richie leave thinking Eddie hated him or was disgusted with him.. Eddie had made Richie cry and it was killing him to know that. "I'm so sorry" He finally forces the words out of his mouth watching Richie's face drop.

"Why the hell are you sorry, I'm the one that just kissed you out of no where.. I'm the one thats sorry"

"Richie.. I freaked out, I didn't even talk to you I just.." Eddie sighs running a hand through his hair knowing the talk was going to kill him "I.. I'm just confused" He states looking down at his hands to embarrassed to make eye contact with the boy in front of him "What?"

"I'm confused about this! I haven't felt like this before and it makes me panic and feel like shit.. I don't know what to do Richie" He starts to get worked up again making Richie sigh and take a step forward placing his hand on Eddie's shoulder, "Eddie.. You don't need to worry about it, I'm sorry if I just dumped all of this on you.." for the first time in minutes Eddie look's up to meet Richie's eyes but he wasn't scared he was just annoyed so pushing down his anxiety he reach's up his shaking hands cupping Richie's face forcing him to lean down a bit, He had no clue what he was doing he had never even held hands with a person but now here he was kissing Richie Tozier out of all people.. Richie's body tense's his eyes wide with surprise before they slowly flutter shut his hand coming up to the back of his hand letting his fingers get tangled into his brown soft hair, just as quickly as it happened it was over Eddie glaring up at him "Why do you think everything is your fault! I like you dumbass and that fucking scares me but it has never been your fault so stop apologizing!"

Richie just stares at him in shock his mind still processing what the hell had just happened.. "Wait.. What?" He mumbles ignoring the fact he hadn't blinked in the past two minutes, his body had just shut down expect for his heart that was beating like crazy it felt like it was about to explode.. Maybe he was still dreaming? He had fallen asleep and was having a weird fucking dream, "Dude stop fucking staring at me like that!" Eddie groans turning his head to look away from him his cheek's burning with embarrassment. "Pinch me"

"What?" Eddie scoffs looking back at him with confusion, "Pinch me so I know I'm not in a weird dream"

"Seriously Richie.." Eddie roll's his eyes but he still raises his hand up using the knuckles of his two fingers to pinch the skin on Richie's arm making him yelp and move his arm away "See? Not dreaming, now stop being and idiot and say something"

"Eddie my brain isn't fucking working right now"

"Well that's not much of a difference, but now is not the time to do so! Say something asshole I just said I liked you!" Eddie glares at him trying to hide his burning embarrassment praying his cheeks weren't bright red, he was not someone who spoke about his feeling's often unless it was to yell at his friends for putting his life in danger but now having to stand here waiting for Richie to say anything felt like pure torture.. "You like me.. Holy shit you like me!" It's like the words finally click into Richie's brain his parted lips turning into a large grin, "And you're sure about that? Like you're not just saying this to make me feel better right?"

"Why the hell would I do that!? No Richie I'm not that much of an asshole"

"Holy fuck" Richie gasp dragging a hand down his face starting to pace around his room, "You're making me nervous calm down!" Eddie snaps at him grabbing onto his arm to stop him from pacing letting Eddie's anxiety calm down the slightest bit. "You like me.." Richie repeats again his voice suddenly much calmer his eyes staring down at Eddie feeling the stare he look's up the two now making eye contact, "Yeah.. Yeah I do" the two stand there just staring at each other.. It felt so all over the place they're just two teenagers boy's confessing their weird gay feeling's to one another with no clue and what to do next, "So uhm.. What do we do?" Eddie ask looking around embarrassed god he felt so stupid. He knew nothing about relationships and that was just normal boy and girl one's but this whole him now suddenly accepting that he was gay and liked his best friend was way worse then just a normal stupid crush, "We don't need to do anything" Richie shrugs making Eddie's eyes land back on him now even more confused "What?"

"Well we know that we like each other, and if that means dating then that's what it means.. Nobody really need's to know right now not until we want them to" Richie explains a small grateful smile growing on Eddie's face, "Yeah.. Okay that works" He says with a small nervous chuckle.. He, Eddie Kaspbrak was dating Richie 'Trash mouth' Tozier.. never in a millions years would he have ever seen this coming but here it was right in the moment the two teenagers staring at one another both holding a smile on their lips, "Y'know for a guy that's never kissed anyone before, you're not bad" Richie teases making Eddie groan rolling his eyes "Oh shut up, you haven't kissed anyone either!"

"Who said that? I've kissed a girl before" Richie shrugs Eddie's narrow eyes scanning his face "Yeah right, who?"

"Some girl in grade eight"

"Oh you so have herps dude, I'm never kissing you again" Eddie laughs backing away from Richie as he let's out a loud dramatic gasp, "That is so not fair! I kissed you even though your lips have been on your mother's cheek, I don't discriminate"

"Oh fuck off Richie" Eddie roll's his eyes raising his hand to flip his friend the finger, Richie leans forward grabbing onto his hand pulling Eddie a bit closer to him staring down at the smaller teen with a smile "You are so awkward" Eddie tease's smiling back up at him "Like you're any better". And for the third time in the same day the two share another kiss, this time being one of their better one's not just a quick out of nowhere kiss in the doorway or weirdly standing in the middle of his bedroom.. This time worked better the two not as nervous as they had been, Eddie was still wrapping his head around the thought of himself having a boyfriend but right now.. It didn't seem so bad.

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