The walk last for a few more minute since they weren't trying to break their ankles on the random roots that came out of the ground everywhere, but once they get down to the rocks they all stand there staring at the water in front of them a small waterfall was the source of the whatever the minute Bev's eye's land on it she grabs onto Richie's arm with a wide grin "You have to jump with me!"

"Well duh" 

"You both have death wish" Eddie roll's his eyes joining the other in putting their bags down on one of the dryer rocks that wasn't slippery, the seven of them quickly search through their stuff finding their bathing suits then take turns going into them wood's and change. Eddie was sat down on his towel his swimming trunks already on now he was busy rubbing sunscreen against his legs not wanting to deal with annoying sun burns the rest of the trip "Mind if I borrow some?" Richie speaks up giving him another heart attack as he yelp's jumping out of his screen "Richie for fuck sake's!" He groans glaring up at him hearing his dumb chuckle he sounded like shaggy from fucking Scooby-doo, "It's not my fault you're so easy to scare Ed's"

Eddie couldn't argue with that, he had always been a scaredy cat so instead he just lifts the sunscreen bottle up letting Richie take it and flop down on the towel across from him. The other's had all gotten changed and started walking into the water Bev of course being the first one to run in and dunk herself under her short red hair sticking to the sides of her face "Come you two slow pokes get in!" she shouts over to the two of them, Richie grins quickly bouncing to his feet and running in taking one deep breath before throwing his body into the water with a splash causing the other to chuckle. Eddie puts his fanny pack down finishing up with the sunscreen on his arms humming a song that had been playing on the radio while they drove here, "Eddie come on!" Bev groans again making him roll his eyes looking over at her "You'll live without me Beverly"

"You don't plan on coming in do you" She narrow's her eyes making Eddie smirk "Bingo" 

"You sneak!"

"I'm not a sneak, I did I say I would come but never said anything about going in" He shrugs leaning back against one of the rocks crossing his arms over his chest watching the others float around in the water, Stanley was relaxing up against one of the rocks the water coming up to his shoulders he watched Ben and Bill splash each other before Mike swims over causing a big enough splash to knock both boys over. "What are you two talking about?" Richie swims over next to Bev looking at her who was still glaring at Eddie then over at him "Uh.. Did I miss something?"

"Eddie isn't coming in!"

"What!?" Richie gasp his head snapping back over to him which Eddie just shrugs to again "Not gonna happen"

"Mike, get over here big boy!" Richie call's over making everyone look at him confused "Yeah?" Mike says once he was next to Richie who was still glaring at Eddie just like Bev "Wanna help me get Eddie in this water?" 

"Richie fuck off" Eddie huff's but he quickly sit's up ready to run if he had to, Mike looked between the two for a few seconds before a smile grows on his face and nod's "Sure"

"Both of you fuck off!" Eddie get's up and backs away as the two climb out of the water and start walking towards him, the other's just watched the show in front of them with amused smile's on their faces. Watching Eddie run around while trying to be careful at the same time had to be one of the funniest things they had seen in a while, he took the biggest steps his smaller legs could take jumping from slippery rock to the another slippery rock he nearly took a slip a few times before caught himself before he broke his neck "You guy's are trying to kill me!" He shouts the two of them continuing their chase "Just get in the water Ed's!"


"Mike go that way!" Richie orders pointing to the rocks on the other side of the water so they could meet Eddie in the middle, with a nod Mike goes running the other direction and of course Eddie had to be chased by the tallest and fastest loser's. "Get him!" Bev shouts from the water her hands in a cup around her mouth, Richie suddenly swoops his arm around Eddie's waist throwing himself down into the water forcing Eddie along with him with a loud yelp.

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