"I'll go easy on you Eddie don't worry" Bev teases as she easily swings her legs onto Mike's shoulders giving the side of his arm a tap a few seconds later she was face to face with Eddie a smirk still on her face, "doubt you'll need to, you'll be in that water sooner than you think" he says back narrowing his eyes playfully. "Ooo tough talk huh?"

"You two done up there? I don't know how much longer me, and Mike can hold silent eye contact" Richie cuts in "Well at least now I know you got some nice eyes Richie"

"Aw thanks Mikey, you got some nice one's too"

"Mike you're on my team don't flatter him!"


The four of them go back to standing in front of each other, in one sudden movement Bev goes to push Eddie his hands shooting up to stop her their hands interlocking, "You don't waste a second huh?"

"Not when I want to win!"

Eddie chuckles leaning forward his hand reaching forward his hand tickling a small spot on her stomach the one place he knew she was ticklish because for some reason at one of their sleepovers she felt the need to tell the group, and just like that she lets out a yelp whipping her arms back to fast losing her balance and falling off of mike's shoulders the two crashing down. "Hell yeah!" Eddie grins looking down at Richie who whoops loudly, Bev pokes out of the water moving the hair out of her voice rolling her eyes "I should have never told you about that ticklish spot, how did you even remember that!?"

"I remember almost everything Bev"

The group swims around a bit before grouping back up on the clearing, Eddie sits down resting himself against the log behind him listening to the faint music playing from the stereo he closes his eyes letting out a relaxed sigh... This was nice, being here with all of them just enjoying a nice day. "Jesus dude why are you so slow!" Richie's loud laugh makes him open his eyes looking over towards him and Stan, "Shut up dude, I'm a slow swimmer"

"Yeah no shit I see that"

Eddie watch's as the two step out of the water Stan gives Richie a shove with his arm as he walks by landing on the towel next to the other, sneaking another glance over at Richie he watches as he shakes his head water flying out of the mop he called hair when he leans back up a small smile was on his face Eddie's eyes travel down lower stopping at his chest before realizing what the hell he was doing.. "What the fuck..." He thinks to himself looking back down at his lap making sure not to look over at him, Richie sits himself down next to Eddie noticing how intensely he was staring down at his lap, "Okay guys, we need to start planning for real now! This trip is happening!" Bev grins clearly being the most excited out of the seven.

"Okay so what do we still need to do?" Ben asks, "Well we have transportation, you thanked your uncle for me, right?" she says looking over at Mike who gives her a nod while rubbing sunscreen into his skin again, "So we have that, then we have drivers which are... Mike, Richie, Stanley, Bill and me!"

"We're letting Richie drive?" Stan snickers making Richie flip him off, "I'm a great driver asshole"

"Okay okay enough you two, we still need to worry about music, food and comfort, money and plus when the hell we're going to leave"

"I call music" Richie sticks his hand up before anyone could say anything, "But I wanted that!" Bev groans "Fine we'll just do half and half then"

"Okay deal"

"How much money do you think we need?" Stanley asks making Bev look down, starting to think in her head "We have gas, other snacks if we run out and other stuff... So, I'd say just bring what you can get"

"Great planning there Bev"

"I know right? So, everyone needs to chip in for food and money, also make sure to bring blankets, pillows and anything else that you find comfortable"

"So... Now that we have a plan for this stuff, the big question is... When are we leaving?" Richie sighs leaning forward against his knees, the group share a glance finally stumped "Who has work this summer?" She asks which Mike and Stan raise their hands "But it's only to help out my uncle so I'm sure he could get one of my other cousins for a little while" Mike shrugs which springs a bit of hope back into Bev "Okay great, what about you stan?"

"It's to help my dad at temple, but I guess I could ask him if he could manage by himself for a bit" Stan sighs a huge smile appears on Bev's face as she raises to her feet. "Well, I say we leave Monday! It gives us Thursday, Friday and the rest of the weekend to pack!"

"I'm down for that" Richie agrees raising to his feet with her, the other rise to their feet as well "That work's for me" Ben adds "Me too!" Bill shortly adds in after him, "Work's for me too" Mike nods. "Stan, Eddie?" Bev asks looking over at the two, "Oh yeah sorry, it's works for me" Eddie answers pushing his wet hair out of his face for the third time "Yeah I'm in" Stan sighs finally making Bev's smile even bigger "The loser's road trip is officially happening!"

"Whoop whoop" Richie says pumping a hand in the air the other's just laugh, the sun had started to set casting a nice orange glow in the sky reflexing off the water under them once everyone had their clothes back on, they all get onto their bikes and start the trip back into town and to their own houses. The two was becoming empty everyone just wanting to get home for the night while the losers slowly road down the streets Bev still going on and on about how fun this was going to be, Eddie let's out a small yawn hanging closer to the back of the group looking around at the quiet town his eyes landing the back of Bower's shirt while he walks down the side walk his friend next to him the two minding their own business for once.. But this time Eddie didn't want to let them why should he the dude broke his arm for fuck sakes, he speeds forward the group watching him in confusion following him into the nearby parking lot "Eddie what are you doing?" Mike ask, Eddie just gets off his bike walking over to Bower's car before rummaging through his fanny pack "Dude what are you doing" Richie ask moving closer to him the group still on their bikes reading to run out of here is they had to, finally Eddie pulls a pair of tweezers a smirk on his face "Ed's..?"

"I'm getting this asshole back for breaking my arm because it just hit me that I did nothing about it after!"

"Oo what are you gonna do?"

"Pop his tire's" Eddie smirks raising the pointing end of the tweezers up and piercing the first tire hearing the hiss of air coming out, then he hurries to do the other three quickly jumping back onto his bike moving away just in time as Bowers walks into the parking lot the two making eye contact as Eddie bikes past him stopping at the end of the parking lot with the rest of group each of them giggling waiting for Bower's to notice. "What the fuck!" He shouts noticing his deflated tires quickly turning around glaring start at Eddie "What the fuck did you do Wheezy!"

"That's for the broken arm asshole, and bowers..." He sighs looking over at him "Kiss my ass" Eddie shouts quickly flipping him off while biking away the group speeding with him, they could all hear Bowers shouts something, but they were too far ahead to hear what "Holy shit Eddie, I didn't think you have something like that in you!" Bev gasps.

"Rude, I can be a dick when I want to be"

"You are always a dick" Richie chuckles making Eddie roll his eyes "You know what I mean dumbass" 

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