Richie listened to his rant for an hour, not making any jokes or anything he just sat there and listened as Eddie went on and on about all the fucked up shit his mom has done... Richie hated seeing him like this the dude had to puff his inhaler every five seconds because he was getting too worked up, seeing that he was getting worse Richie stops him placing a hand on shoulder.

"Wanna go listen to some music?"

"Yeah... Yeah that would be nice" Eddie smiles hoping off of the stool following Richie up the staircase and to the door small sharpie doodles covering a few spots, Eddie chuckles at a small doodle that looked like Richie holding up the middle finger the words 'Fuck off' written next to it, "Bet your mom loved that one huh?" Eddie says pointing the drawing out making Richie laugh, "She nagged about it for weeks, but it ended up staying... Pretty sure she just gave up"

As the door to his room opens Eddie sees that nothing has changed about it since the last time he was up here, band postered covered the walls including Nirvana, Queen, Radiohead and others that Eddie wasn't so familiar with. Richie's broken pair of van's laid by the door the heel completely off at this point which is the only reason why he got his new checkered pair because his parents begged him to let them buy it for him, his closet filled with denim and color button up shirts while his dresser was filled with his graphic tee's which those were the only thing Richie wore. "You good with anything?" Richie look's over at him pulling his attention away from the room, Richie stood in front of his stereo holding a few different tapes in his hand "Yeah that's fine"

"Well today you are getting Guns N' Roses Ed's"

"Oo haven't heard them in a while" Eddie chuckles watching Richie grin and slide the tap into the stereo, "I'm turning you into a rock lover Eddie!"

"What can I say it's not that bad, my mom would have a heart attack listening to this though"

"Well she's not here, just the two of us and some paradise city" Richie says climbing onto his messy bed leaning his head against the back board letting Eddie looking around his room some more, once getting to his desk he sees the stack of school work that had collected over the year "I don't know how you manage to pass Rich"

"I have my ways"

"Like what, giving a special something for extra credit" Eddie giggle's seeing Richie gasp "I am no whore, I do the work that matters"

"Whatever you say Rich"

"I can't believe you"

Eddie glazing his hand over the boy's wooden desk while his eyes dart around he suddenly smiles wider seeing the photos of the loser's club pinned to the wall, he reaches up taking one in his hand trying to see when this was taken... The group was younger, so it seemed like the end of middle school the seven of them huddled into together big grins on their faces the one thing sticking out was a birthday hat on Bill's head, now Eddie remembers this was Bill's 12th birthday, Eddie found it cute that Richie kept these... It just proved no matter how much of a hard ass he was Richie did really care, just as Eddie was going to move on, he spots a photo of a 10-year-old him. Rich must have been the one taking the photo because Eddie's hand was pushing away the camera giving the person behind it a glare, cute... Eddie thought again...

"Wait dude is this a mixtape?" Eddie let out a gasp picking the tape in his hand seeing words were written on it, but the sharpie must have been smudged when it wet and now it was unreadable, "I was going to throw that out!" Richie jumps back up to his feet grabbing it out of his hands before dropping into his small trash can, "You were going to give that to someone!" Eddie grins now very excited to pester his friend about this.

"I was not!"

"You had something written on it dude! You only do that if it's a gift for someone!"


"So, who is it!? Do I know the girl is she in our grade?"

"Eddie slow your roll! It's not for a girl..."

"Oh? Then who is it for?" Eddie stops looking up at him with a confused look, Richie could feel his heart pounding against his ribs staring down at him never felt harder... He could say something right now and tell him the truth... That it was for him, that he had stayed up for hours trying to remember the songs he loved listening to when he came over to his house then he put them into one mixtape... But he never had the chance to give it to him he had chickened out more than once.

"It was... A birthday present I made for you one year, but I forgot to give it to you" Richie shrugs lying straight through his teeth, but a forgotten birthday gift seemed like the safest option, "It was for me! Dude why didn't you just give it to me later that's so cool" Eddie's gasp instantly fishing grabbing the tape back since it was thankfully sitting on top of the other garbage.

"I didn't want you to think I forgot about your birthday or something, so I kept it"

"Richie... You made me a mixtape!" Eddie couldn't believe it; he had spent so much time on him without even knowing it... "What did it say?"

"Oh uhm... Can't remember"

"Well thanks anyway, this has to be the coolest thing someone has done for me"

"It's no problem, Ed's"

"Just because I'm happy right now does not mean you get a free pass on calling me that"

"Aw come on!"

The two end up sitting across from one another on the bed Eddie laid flat staring up at the ceiling while Richie sat up watching him, he wished he could tell him... That he could hold his hand or even just hold him without it being weird, he just wanted to stay by him even if meant forever staying just friends... The phone sitting on his bedside table starts ringing loudly causing both of the boys to jump, Richie leans over pulling the phone up to his ear "Hello?"

"Hey Richie! You ask your parents yet?"

"Yes Bev, and of course they said yes"

"Great I already called bill which is also a yes... I kinda wanna call Eddie"

"No need"

"What do you mean?"

"He's with me right now, we're just hanging out"

"He's allowed out this late? Did something happen?"

"I feel like that's something he has to tell you Bev"

"Well can I drop by?"

"Yeah, go ahead"

"Ok see you soon loser"

"Bye loser"

After the phone was hung up and back on the stand Richie looks back over at Richie seeing his brown eye's staring back up at him even such a normal sight made his heart want to burst... How he wanted this boy so badly... "Bev's coming over?"

"Yep, she heard you were over"

"Well, she's always fun anyway" Eddie smiles his words leaving Richie with a weird feeling, did he not find being here with him fun enough? Was Richie boring? 

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