Richie stands there staring at him for a few seconds before speaking up "Sorry for what?" he ask his hands still hidden in his pocket's like he felt awkward or something, "For being an asshole dude, I know you and everyone else thinks it no need to try and be nice"

"But I don't, I don't think you're an asshole" Richie shrugs, it was true sure Eddie had a weird way of showing affection to his friends some might say he was an asshole but none of the loser's thought that about him, they liked him the way he was.. Bitchiness in all, while the two stood face to face in the patch of woods back over at the van Bev had just gotten back staying back for a few seconds just to make sure the two didn't try to kill each other but they were okay so she left them be. Now she was sat in the passengers seat her legs dangling off the side since the door was still flung open, "How much longer are they going to be" Stanley groans poking his head out of the van looking like a man who hadn't seen the sunlight in over a decade "You know you can come out right?"

"I'm good in here, plus this comic is really good"

"Don't wanna stretch your legs?"

"I'll be able to stretch my legs when we get to the water, but seems like the two down there want to spend the day in the wood's" 

"It's probably important Stan, give them a few minutes will yeah?" Mike chuckles leaning against the van wall his legs crossed at the ankles his large arms crossed over his chest, he had always been the strongest out of the group.. The group of them look off into the woods waiting for the two to return, "No need to lie Rich" Eddie roll's his eyes scoffing.

"I'm not! I don't think you're an asshole, isn't that a good thing?"

"It would be if I believed you"

"Well you not believing me is not my fault Ed's" Richie just look's at him it was clear to tell something was up with him.. "Eddie, what's the matter?"

"Bev.. She think's I act like this because of my mom"

"Could be" He shrugs, Richie was never one for comforting people he never knew what to do when someone started crying.. "What if I need to go to one of the mental hospitals and get fucking shocked to death because I'm to crazy!"

"Ed's come on.. You're not crazy, you just have mommy issues" 

"Richie.. Fuck off"

"I'm pretty sure that's what it's called Ed's, I've heard it's when people don't get along with their mom's or they just have a bad relationship.. Shit I don't know it just sounded like you"

"Jeez thanks" Eddie rolls his eyes fixing the bottom of his shirt before crossing his arms "You are just amazing at comforting people" He says sarcastically, Richie just chuckles shrugging yet again "Hey don't blame me, never said I was good at it"

"Well thanks for trying at least.." Eddie sighs starting to walk back towards the van Richie watch's him walking away before turning himself and speaking up as they walk side by side "I don't think you're crazy.. None of us do, I promise"

"Really?" Eddie look's up at him a hopeful expression in his big brown eye somehow making them even bigger, he sort of reminded Richie of a cat with the way he acted and looked. Like the way his eyes could go from big to narrow with just a sudden word or the attitude he always had, just like a cat. The pair get back to the van once they climb back into the back they are met with a grumpy looking Stanley his face scrunched up in a glare his eyes darting between the two "Measuring dick sizes out there or something?" the comment surprises both of them before breaking them into a laughing fit yet Stanley stares at them unamused "No need we all know mine's bigger" Eddie smirks which was enough to crack Stan a grin pulling on the corner of his lips.

"Yeah right, you wish!" 

"No need to wish Richie, it's the cold hard truth!" 

The two go back to bickering while the van starts back on the road, Bill and Stan both watch the two with amusement "Want some? You seem hungry" Bill says offering Stan some of his snacks the teen looks at him for a few seconds his smile growing a bit wider.. "Yeah, Thanks Bill"

"Will you two stop fighting about dick sizes!" Bev groans glaring into the back seat making both teen's stop and stare at her then back at themselves "Yeah just accept it Richie"

"Suck my dick dude"

"If I could even find it" Eddie grins making Richie burst out laughing clutching onto the boys arm while they both curl up laughing like crazy, all five of the other losers exchange a glance then look back them with confused looks.. One second they were fighting and now they were gripping onto each other tears welling up in the eyes by how hard they were laughing, "Maybe they smoked pot" Bev shrugs making them four stare at her before she chuckles herself "Kidding"

"I wouldn't put it past Richie" Stanley shrugs popping another snack into his mouth his eyes darting between his comic, Bill and the two lunatics laughing across from him, "We're almost there guys!" Bev announcing a few minutes later, Richie and Eddie had finally calmed down now the two were just sat next to each other still snickering at something from time to time but their voices so low nobody could hear them over the music "Whoop Whoop!" Richie says loudly the noises bouncing off the van walls making Eddie elbow him gently "Shut up dude, you'll make me go deaf"

"Thought you wanted that huh?"

"Have I told you to go fuck yourself yet today?"

"You love it" Richie teases poking the Eddie's cheek making him roll his eyes, after another few minutes the van pull's into a parking lot made up of little rocks there were no other cars here yet so they had come at the perfect time. Within one quick second everyone was out of the van letting out groans and sighs of relief finally able to walk around and move their body's, "Is it normal to not feel your ass?" Mike ask making the group laugh "M-Me neither" Bill Stutters out rubbing his bottom back letting out a small grunt. Bev pull's the back doors open enough that everyone could grab their bag which they all did within five seconds, Eddie throws his over his shoulder before unzipping his fanny pack and pulling out his trusty bottle of sun screen "I need to know what else you fit in there, It's like magic" Richie says as they start walking along the rock path going deeper into the woods. "Uhm I have my inhaler, allergy pills, bug spray, my sunscreen, bandages and disinfecting wipes" 

"Nothing fun?" Richie pouts trying to peak over his shoulder into the pouch before Eddie closes it again "No nothing fun, not everybody is five like you"

"You're giving him to much credit" Stanley jokes from a few spots in front of them, the path was narrow so they all had to walk single file with Bev at the front and Richie in the back Eddie, Bill, Ben, Mike and Stan placed in the middle of the two like a sandwich. "If I fall and break my skull open, I'm coming back to haunt you Bev"

"No you wouldn't because you would then be stuck with me all the time Eddie"

"Shit true.."

"Don't worry you won't fall, it's solid enough to hold about two hundred more people if it came to it" Ben explains making the group go silent in confusion "How do you even know that?" Richie speaks up first "By the width and depth of it" Ben shrugs like that wasn't the smartest thing any of them had ever said in their lives "We have a genius on our hands guys!" Richie announces making Ben look down a red tiny growing on his round cheeks "At least one of us is" Eddie shoots a glare over his shoulder making Richie gasp "Rude!"

"It's cool that you know that ben, I'm sure you'll become something great in the future" Bev says her face not turned to them but they could see the smile on her face and the growing red on Ben's cheeks "T-Thanks Bev"

"Turning into Stuttering Bill there Ben?"

"Richie dude, shut up"

"What I'm just pointing out the obvious!"

"Oh god he's hopeless" Stanley sighs making the group burst into laughter,

"Hey what the hell!"

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