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front page Science fiction and supernatural I Have a Milk Tea Shop in the End of the World Chapter 86: Salt Lake Team (please order first, four updates)

Chapter 86: Salt Lake Team (please order first, four updates)

I Have a Milk Tea Shop in the End of the World Author: Xiangkui Vote for recommendation Bookmark feedback

An Xin and the others left the Green Park, bypassed Changyun Town, and went directly to the Salt Lake.

In the car, the seats were now changed. Father An, Mother Qi, An Xin, and Chen Jia were in the same car, while several other grown men were in Xia Ming's car.

When Xia Ming and the others first met An Xin's family, he explained Chang Yun's situation to them.

The relationship there was so complicated that Xia Ming and the others finally left, so naturally they didn't want to go back there and get involved.

Salt Lake is now divided into five families occupying the surrounding land. One is the Fan family, which has a fourth-level fire element user and two third-level water element users. The Fan family has mostly water and fire elements.

The second is the Huajia. The Huajia has mostly wood-type superpowers. There is a fourth-level wood-type superpower, a third-level wood-type superpower, and a third-level water-type superpower.

The third is the various families. Most of them have metal-type superpowers. There is one fourth-level metal type superpower, one third-level metal type superpower, two third-level wood type superpowers, and three second-level water type superpowers. By.

The fourth is the Ren family. There are two third-level fire-based superpowers and one third-level earth-based superpower. The relationship between the Ren family is complicated. In the early days of awakening, many junior superpowers were killed by their own family members, so in terms of strength, Don't go.

The fifth is the banker. Almost all the bankers' superpowers are from the water system, but they have made the water system not only a supply of water resources, but also a murder weapon.

They have a fourth-level water superpower, three third-level water superpowers, and the rest are all second-level water superpowers. They have hidden a mutant superpower, only a second-level water superpower, who is an ice superpower.

Xiaocha faced the fourth-ranked family. Ren Gai was the patriarch of this family, but his superpower was only a second-level earth type.

His two sons are third-level fire power users of the Ren family. They respond to every call in the Ren family. Who is in charge of the Ren family?

There are two sons, one is born to the first wife and the other is born to the second wife.

The reason why they listened to Ren Gao's command was because Ren Gao had a treasure.

When An Xin and the others arrived at the base near the salt lake, it was Ren Gai and the others who gathered superpowers for the first time to attack Xiaocha, trying to open up a passage to get mud from the salt lake.

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